
軟考 責(zé)任編輯:zou860826 2005-12-20





Future Memories

Chip makers are searching for cheap, fast, “universal” memories to replace DRAM, SRAM and flash.

For 40 years, systems designers have seen memory densities double every 18 to 24 months while memory chip prices have remained essentially flat, cutting the cost per bit in half each time. As the technical challenges of building ever-smaller memory cells in silicon have increased, however, some memory manufacturers have predicted that the cost curve will start to swing the other way before the end of the decade.

Researchers are working on several alternate technologies that could eventually replace those in the three memory types commonly used today: low-cost dynamic RAM (DRAM), used in PCs and servers; fast static RAM (SRAM), used for processor caches and mobile devices; and nonvolatile flash memory, used in everything from computer BIOSs to cell phones.

Researchers at IBM, Intel Corp. and other companies envision the development of a universal memory technology that could someday replace all three.

A universal memory technology could change how computers are designed. For example, nonvolatile RAM could allow computers to boot up and power down instantly because stored information wouldn’t be lost when power was. But the emergence of a universal memory technology is probably at least 10 to 15 years away.

Others argue that a universal memory isn’t possible because one memory type can’t satisfy all needs. For example, nothing could be the fastest and cheapest at the same time.

Most research today is focused on addressing the limitations of one memory technology at a time, such as flash. But some attributes of today’s technologies will be hard to beat.

Most technologies will probably not be able to compete on lowest cost per bit against DRAM or with the fastest SRAM. So they will fall into that space in between. Ferroelectric RAM (FRAM) and magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM) are the best-funded and most-evolved of the emerging memory technologies. FRAM is a nonvolatile RAM that was developed by Ramtron International Corp. in Colorado Springs. It’s licensed by Texas Instruments Inc. and others. More than 30 million products have already shipped using FRAM, including metering, radio frequency identification and smart-card devices.

FRAM, which is based on nanoscale “quantum dots,” uses less power and writes faster than DRAM or flash, and it has a long life span. But the technology remains 20 to 50 times more expensive per bit than DRAM, and chip density is far lower. Ramtron is prototyping 1Mbit parts today and hopes to push the technology to 4Mbit or 8Mbit in 2006. Until MRAM is ready for the market, however, FRAM is the only game in town for nonvolatile DRAM. (To Be Continued)













