A Two-phase Process for Software Architecture Improvement

軟考 責(zé)任編輯:curran 2003-06-30






Software architecture is important for large systems in which it is the main means for, among other things, controlling complexity. Current ideas on software architectures were not available more than ten years ago. Software developed at that time has been deteriorating from an architectural point of view over the years, as a result of adaptations made in the software because of changing system requirements. Parts of the old software are nevertheless still being used in new product lines. To make changes in that software, like adding features, it is imperative to first adapt the software to accommodate those changes. Architecture improvement of existing software is therefore becoming more and more important.

This paper describes a two-phase process for software architecture improvement, which is the synthesis of two research areas: the architecture visualisation and analysis area of Philips Research, and the transformation engines and renovation factories area of the University of Amsterdam. Software architecture transformation plays an important role, and is to our knowledge a new research topic. Phase one of the process is based on Relation Partition Algebra (RPA). By lifting the information to higher levels of abstraction and calculating metrics over the system, all kinds of quality aspects can be investigated. Phase two is based on formal transformation techniques on abstract syntax trees. The software architecture improvement process allows for a fast feedback loop on results, without the need to deal with the complete software and without any interference with the normal development process.

Keywords: software architecture, software recovery, software rearchitecting, software architecture transformation

1 Introduction

Royal Philips Electronics N.V. is a world-wide company that develops low-volume professional systems (such as communication systems and medical systems) and high-volume consumer electronics systems (like digital set-top boxes and television sets). Software plays an increasingly important role in all these systems.

In the domain of high-volume electronics the point has been reached at which it is no longer possible to develop each new product from scratch. The software architecture of new products is of great importance with respect to satisfying the demands for increasing functionality with decreasing time-to-market. Design for reuse and open architectures are of the utmost importance with respect to software architectures for product lines [BCK98].

In the domain of professional systems this turning point was already reached more than ten years ago. At the time when these large software systems were developed, most of the current software architecture techniques were not available. The old software is nevertheless still used in the development of new products. Current products are more and more feature-driven, and must therefore meet high requirements with respect to the flexibility and maintainability of the software.

Since we want to accommodate future changes in the software in both domains, there is a need for software architecture improvement. This paper describes a new software architecture improvement process that combines two research areas.

The main topic of this paper is the description of a two-phase process for recovering and improving software architectures, with a clear distinction between architecture impact analysis (phase one) and software architecture transformations (phase two). Architecture impact analysis uses a model based on Relation Partition Algebra (RPA [FO94,FKO98,FO99,FK99]). Software architecture transformations use formal transformation techniques, and aim at modifying the software to meet the new architecture requirements [BKV96,BSV97,SV98,BKV98,DKV99,SV99a,SV99b,SV99c,SV99d].

The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 a general description of the process for software architecture improvement is given. Section 3 describes an example to illustrate this process. In Section 4 issues related to architecture impact analysis are discussed. Section 5 focuses on the software architecture transformations and describes ideas for a set of basic transformations that are of interest for these kinds of software architecture improvements. Finally, related work is described and some conclusions are given.


The authors would like to thank Reinder Bril, Loe Feijs, Peter van den Hamer, Jaap van der Heijden and Joachim Trescher for reviewing previous versions, and the fruitful discussions that helped us to improve this paper.
2 Improvement Process

We need to address a number of questions related to the type of software systems under investigation:

How do we make software architectures of existing systems explicit?
How do we realise and measure improvement?
How can we make changes in the software without introducing new defects and without spending too much time?

The process which in our opinion can answer these questions is depicted in Figure 1. Before we give a detailed description of the steps, we will give some definitions and assumptions on which this process is based. We adhere to the terminology proposed by Chikofsky and Cross [CC90].

To improve software architecture we must first have a described software architecture, which is an explicit description of requirements of the system from a software architecture point of view [SNH95,Kru95]. For large software systems a software architecture description is usually not available. Software architecture recovery or reverse architecting [Kri97,Kri99] is the process that extracts such a description from the software.

Rearchitecting is the process of changing the software architecture. Software architecture improvement is the process that makes changes in the architecture in such a way that it improves the software in one or more of its quality aspects. Quality aspects are for instance the comprehensibility of the software for the developers, the extensibility of the software with new features and the reusability of its parts. Quality aspects are usually accompanied by metrics. Using the proper metrics we can measure improvement by comparing the values before and after the change. Defining good metrics is a research topic beyond the scope of this paper. To experiment with different kinds of metrics and changes we need a good process, supported by tooling.

Changes can affect many parts of the software. Before a change is executed, an architect must know exactly which parts of the software will be affected. Also important is the cost of implementing the change. Architecture impact analysis is the process of calculating the consequences of an architecture change before applying it to the software. If the architect can track the impact of a change, then it is also possible to automate the actual changing of the software. Automation can help to increase the quality and reduce the cost of implementing the change. Since we do not want to keep modifying the software during each experiment, it is better to use an abstract model of the software.

At Philips we have many years of experience using Relation Partition Algebra [FO94,FKO98,FO99,FK99], which involves a mathematical model based on sets and relations and has proven to be quite adequate for impact analyses of this kind. Using a model of the existing software allows for fast feedback of the impact without the need to modify the software.



