The strange buildings 5 the European Council for Nuclear Research, more popularly known, from 6 French initials, as CERN. The council was 7 when a handful of statesmen and scientific experts 8 in Paris in 1950. Their aim was to “ 9 an organization providing for co-operation among European states 10 nuclear research of a pure scientific and fundamental character.”
The CERN agreement was 11 in 1953, and work on the atomic city began in 1954. today CERN’s 12 are among the most modern and the most diversified in the world. 13 as the scientific aspect may be, the real significance of CERN may lie 14 the thousand people ----the scientists, lab workers, and administrative 15 drawn from the fourteen member nations ---- 16 populate it. British engineers work 17 with Swiss electricians and Yugoslav nuclear physicists. The 18 languages are French and English, with German an unofficial third. But BERN is 19 tower of Babel ---- the language of science is 20 and all-embracing.
1. A. best B. chiefly C. most D. mostly
2. A. earth B. dirt C. mud D. soil
3. A. one and best B. one and only C. one and an D. one and merely
4. A. investigation B. being investigated C. investigate D. investigating
5. A. work with B. belong to C. consist of D. are located in
6. A. his B. their C. its D. those
7. A. come into being B. constructed C. erected D. born
8. A. joined B. developed C. met D. met with
9. A. found B. put up C. build D. establish
10. A. in B. on C. for D. about
11. A. sealed B. signed C. secured D. settled
12. A. resources B. accommodations C. facilities D. funds
13. A. Impressionistic B. Impressing C. Impressed D. Impressive
14. A. in B. with C. on D. at
15. A. crew B. crowd C. party D. group
16. A. whoever B. who C. which D. whatever
17. A. side by side B. back to back C. heart to heart D. face to face
18. A. living B. authentic C. official D. real
19. A. the B. a C. not D. no
20. A. worldwide B. infinite C. universal D. comprehensive