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自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2021-07-21




Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D).Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

41. ____he thought of it,the stars seemed always large and clear before the dawn of Christmas Day.

A.As for B.Now that

C.Because D.As soon as

42. A thought____him like a silver dagger.

A.beat B.hit

C.struck D.pondered

43. I'll____this afternoon.

A.get the radio fixed B.get the radio to be fixed

C.get the radio being fixed D.get the radio fixing

44. Who is____personnel at present?

A.in the charge of B.under charge of

C.under the charge of D.in charge of

45. Tell him to turn down the TV.It's____my nerves.

A.get over B.get in

C.get crazy with D.get on

46. The family decided to raise two cows and five sheep____the chickens,ducks and rabbits.

A.except B.besides

C.beside D.except for

47. I woke up,____that he had gone.

A.only finding B.only having found

C.only to find D.only to have found

48. The project____by the time you come to China again.

A.will be completed B.will have been completed

C.is to be completed D.is going to be completed

49. In the course of the work,we____lots of difficulties.

A.met with B.saw

C.got into D.came across

50. ____his accent,he must be from the south.

A.Judged by B.Being judged from

C.Judging from D.Being judged by

51. The boy____his father.

A.was accused of having killed B.was accused to have killed

C.was accused of killing D.was accused to kill

52. Missing the train means____for an hour.

A.waiting B.to wait

C.to be waiting D.have to wait

53. Something extraordinary happened in that hospital.A man,who was declared

clinically dead,suddenly____.

A.returned to life B.restored to life

C.came to life D.survived

54. They are glad to see the children____in the daycare center.

A.well taken care B.being well taken care of

C.well looked after D.being well looked after

55. She is a woman of rare gifts.Her performance last night was indeed very____.

A.impressed B.impressive

C.impressing D.impression

56. The road being built was scheduled to____traffic on May Day.

A.be close to B.be closed to

C.be open to D.be opened to

57. It was more than fifteen years ago____I entered the laboratory of Professor Agassiz.

A.when B.that

C.in which D.since

58. ____than it began raining.

A.Hardly had he reached home B.Hardly did he reach home

C.No sooner did he reach home D.No sooner had he reached home

59. The man's life____if he had been sent to a better hospital.

A.might have been saved B.may have been saved

C.was to be saved D.should be saved

60. Everybody looked____the direction of the explosion.

A.to B.from

C.in D.into

61. This is a____young writer.He has published quite a few good stories in

recent years.

A.promised B.looking forward

C.promising D.clever

62. The doctor insists that the patient____.

A.must be operated B.should be operated

C.be operated on D.needs operating on

63. It sounds as if the telephone____.

A.were ringing B.was ringing.

C.has being ringing D.is ringing

64. The family looked on helplessly as their house____.

A.burning down B.was burned down

C.was burning down D.burned down

65. What is the____language in India?

A.office B.official

C.officially D.officer

66. He____twenty times,striking a match each time to look at his old watch.

A.had waked B.was awake

C.must have waked D.was waken

67. There he bought____chocolate for his daughter,and then he had____beers in the bar not far from the school.

A.a bar of...a couple of B.a piece of...a bottle of

C.a dozen of...a couple of D.a cubic of...a tin of

68. With his big fleshy nose he____his grandpa.

A.looks like B.takes after

C.looks after D.resembles

69. The ____majority were in support of this bill so it was passed without much difficulty.

A.overflowing B.overtaking

C.overloading D.overwhelming

70. The actress____the terms of her contract and was sued by the producer.

A.isolated B.signed

C.implemented D.violated


41. 答案B?!緟⒖甲g文】 他這么一想,滿天的星辰在圣誕節(jié)的黎明前也顯得格外清晰明朗?!驹囶}分析】該題既是語法題又是詞義辨析題?!驹敿?xì)解答】 as for關(guān)于,至于;now that既然;because因為;as soon as一……就……。因此答案為B。

42. 答案C?!緟⒖甲g文】 一個想法突然閃現(xiàn)在他腦中?!驹囶}分析】該題為詞義辨析題?!驹敿?xì)解答】 strike給予……感覺,在心靈產(chǎn)生某種效果;其他三個動詞很少與thought搭配。因此答案為C。

43. 答案A?!緟⒖甲g文】 我今天下午去修一下收音機?!驹囶}分析】此題考查動詞get的用法。【詳細(xì)解答】 動詞get后往往加動詞的分詞形式作賓語補足語。含有“讓人做……事”的含義;現(xiàn)在分詞表示主動,過去分詞表被動。因此答案為A。

44. 答案D?!緟⒖甲g文】 現(xiàn)在誰負(fù)責(zé)人事管理?!驹囶}分析】此題為同根詞組辨析題?!驹敿?xì)解答】 in the charge of由……負(fù)責(zé),在……管理下;under the charge of在……管理下 ;in charge of主管,負(fù)責(zé)。因此答案為D。

45. 答案D?!緟⒖甲g文】 讓他把電視聲音關(guān)小點,我都快瘋了?!驹囶}分析】此題為詞義辨析題?!驹敿?xì)解答】 get over克服……忘卻;get in進(jìn)入;get crazy往往和介詞about搭配;get on one's nerves讓……發(fā)瘋。因此答案為D。

46. 答案B。【參考譯文】 除了雞、鴨、兔,這家人決定再養(yǎng)兩頭母牛和五只綿羊?!驹囶}分析】此題考查介詞的用法?!驹敿?xì)解答】 except除……以外;besides除了……還;beside在……旁邊;except for除……之外。因此答案為B。

47. 答案C?!緟⒖甲g文】 我醒來,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)他已走了。【試題分析】此題為語法題?!驹敿?xì)解答】 only to find不定式短語往往可作結(jié)果狀語。因此答案為C。

48. 答案B。【參考譯文】 等你下次再來中國,這個項目將已經(jīng)完工?!驹囶}分析】此題為語法題,考查時態(tài)的運用。【詳細(xì)解答】 在由by引導(dǎo)的將來時間狀語的句子中,主句通常使用將來完成時形式:will(shall)+have+pp。因此答案為B。

49. 答案D?!緟⒖甲g文】 在工作途中,我們遇到了許多困難?!驹囶}分析】此題為詞義辨析題?!驹敿?xì)解答】 meet with遇見;see看見;get into碰到;come across偶然遇見。因此答案為D。

50. 答案C。【參考譯文】 從他的口音判定,他肯定是南方人?!驹囶}分析】此題為語法題,考查插入語的使用?!驹敿?xì)解答】 judging from依據(jù)……來判斷,分詞短語作插入語,為固定用法。因此答案為C。

51. 答案A?!緟⒖甲g文】 這個孩子被控告殺害了他的父親。【試題分析】此題考查動詞的用法及時態(tài)。【詳細(xì)解答】 be accused of doing被指控犯……罪行,為動詞固定用法,而完成時可表示動作已發(fā)生,因而動名詞采用完成時形式。因此答案為A。

52. 答案A。【參考譯文】 錯過這班火車意味著再等一個小時?!驹囶}分析】此題為語法題,考查句子結(jié)構(gòu)。【詳細(xì)解答】 考慮到句子的對稱性,因主語是動名詞短語,賓語也應(yīng)使用動名詞短語。因此答案為A。

53. 答案C?!緟⒖甲g文】 那家醫(yī)院發(fā)生了一件離奇的事。【試題分析】此題考查固定短語的用法。【詳細(xì)解答】 come to (one's) life復(fù)活,醒過來,為固定短語,因此答案為C。

54. 答案C?!緟⒖甲g文】 他們很高興看到孩子們在托管中心受到良好的照看?!驹囶}分析】此題為語法題。【詳細(xì)解答】 動詞短語look after和take care of均有照顧,照看的意思;此處用過去分詞短語作賓語補足語,含有被動的意思。因此答案為C。

55. 答案B?!緟⒖甲g文】 她是一位具有杰出天賦的女子,她昨晚的表演的確使人印象深刻。【試題分析】此題為同根詞辨析題?!驹敿?xì)解答】 impressed被感動的;impressive給人深刻印象的;impressing極少作為形容詞使用;impression印象,名詞。因此答案為B。

56. 答案D?!緟⒖甲g文】 正在修建的公路定于勞動節(jié)那天開通?!驹囶}分析】此題為詞義辨析題。【詳細(xì)解答】 be close to對……關(guān)閉,強調(diào)狀態(tài);be closed to對……關(guān)閉(封閉),強調(diào)動作;be open to對……開放,強調(diào)狀態(tài);be opened to對……開放,強調(diào)動作。因此答案為D。

57. 答案B?!緟⒖甲g文】 十五年前,我加入了Agassiz教授的實驗室?!驹囶}分析】 此題為語法題,考查強調(diào)句的用法。【詳細(xì)解答】 It is (was)...that...為強調(diào)句的固定結(jié)構(gòu),因此答案為B。

58. 答案D?!緟⒖甲g文】 他剛一到家天就開始下雨了?!驹囶}分析】此題考查連詞的用法?!驹敿?xì)解答】 Hardly...when,No sooner...than剛……就……為固定的連詞搭配;且前一個分句需倒裝。因此答案為D。

59. 答案A?!緟⒖甲g文】 假如被送往一家更好的醫(yī)院的話,他的生命或許可以得以挽救?!驹囶}分析】此題為語法題,考查虛擬語氣?!驹敿?xì)解答】 與過去的事實相反,從句使用過去完成時,主句使用would (could,might)+have+pp的形式。因此答案為A。

60. 答案C。【參考譯文】所有的人都朝爆炸的方向看去。【試題分析】 此題考查介詞的固定搭配?!驹敿?xì)解答】 朝某一方向通常為介詞in,in the direction of。因此答案為C。

61. 答案C。【參考譯文】這是一位有前途的年青作家,最近幾年他發(fā)表了不少小說作品。【試題分析】 此題為詞義辨析題?!驹敿?xì)解答】 promised承諾了的;looking forward朝前看的;promising有前途的;clever聰明的。因此答案為 C。

62. 答案C。【參考譯文】 醫(yī)生堅持馬上給病人做手術(shù)?!驹囶}分析】此題為語法題,考查虛擬語氣?!驹敿?xì)解答】 動詞insist后的賓語從句往往采用虛擬語氣,即用should+do或直接使用動詞原形的形式;另外做手術(shù)為固定短語operate on sb.。因此答案為C。

63. 答案D。【參考譯文】 好像電話鈴在響?!驹囶}分析】此題為語法題?!驹敿?xì)解答】 此處as if引導(dǎo)的是一個一般表語從句,并非虛擬語氣。因此答案為D。

64. 答案D?!緟⒖甲g文】 這家人無助地看著自己的房子被燒毀。【試題分析】此題為語法題,考查時態(tài)和語態(tài)?!驹敿?xì)解答】 此句要考慮主從句時態(tài)一致;另外burn down主動形式本身含有被動含義。因此答案為D。

65. 答案B?!緟⒖甲g文】 印度的官方語言是什么?【試題分析】 此題為詞義辨析題?!驹敿?xì)解答】 office辦公室;official官方的;officially官方地,正式地;officer長官。因此答案為B。

66. 答案C。【參考譯文】 他一晚上肯定醒了二十次,每次都擦亮火柴看看自己那塊舊表?!驹囶}分析】此題為語法題?!驹敿?xì)解答】 must+have+pp形式表示一種肯定的猜測。因此答案為C。

67. 答案A?!緟⒖甲g文】 在那兒他給女兒買了一條巧克力,然后又在離學(xué)校不遠(yuǎn)的一家酒吧買了幾瓶啤酒?!驹囶}分析】此題為考查固定搭配?!驹敿?xì)解答】 chocolate為不可數(shù)名詞通??捎胊 piece of chocolate或a bar of chocolate,beer在此句中為可數(shù)名詞,可以用a couple of beers。因此答案為A。

68. 答案B?!緟⒖甲g文】 他長得像他的祖父,同樣有個大肉鼻子?!驹囶}分析】此題為詞義辨析題?!驹敿?xì)解答】 look like似乎,看起來像是;take after長得像;look after照顧;resemble相似。因此答案為B。

69. 答案D。【參考譯文】 絕大多數(shù)人贊成該提案,因此很容易就通過了。【試題分析】此題為詞義辨析題。【詳細(xì)解答】 overflowing溢出的;overtaking超過的;overloading超載的;overwhelming壓倒性的。因此答案為 D。

70. 答案D?!緟⒖甲g文】 這位女演員違反了合同條款,并被制片方起訴?!驹囶}分析】此題為詞義辨析題?!驹敿?xì)解答】 isolate孤立;sign簽署;implement實施;violate違背,侵犯。因此答案為D。











