違法信息舉報(bào) 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2021-10-22









1. The boy's shoes were too small. His parents decided to buy him a larger           

A. suit

B. set

C. one

D. pair

2. He cheered up           the sight of food.

A. in

B. at


D. with

3. Though the room is small, it is comfortable           


B. to live in

C. living in


4. In a noral school day, students do a lot more than just           classes.

A. attending

B. to attend

C. attend

D. attended

5. Numerous           are required before a decision can be made.

A. analysis

B. analyze

C. analysises

D. analyses

6. We had a trip together last month and enjoyed ourselves, so let's have           one this month.

A. another

B. the other

C. other

D. more

7. Passengers are very angry           the delay of the fight.

A. with

B. at

C. on

D. to

8. The tea tastes           this morming.

A. strongly

B. well

C. badly

D. strong

9. They couldn't find           so they took this one.

A. a large enough box

B. a box enough large

C. a large box enough

D. an enough large bos

10. Hard            it is, the govemment is determined to reform its medical system.

A. however

B. while

D. although

11. A number of problems have           as a result of global warming.

A. risen

B. naised

C. aroused

D. arisen

12. Neither Bob nor his cousins           for their grandparents.

A. works

B. work

C. working

D. has worked

13. The restaurant hired five           

A. men cooks

B. men cook

C. man cook

D. man cooks

14. When I was depressed, I was           to tell anyone.

A. embarrassed

B. being embarrassed

C. embarassing

D. being embarassing

15. We can have a barbecue in our yard tonight with           weather.

A. so fine a

B. so fine

C. such a fine

D. such fine

16. There are signs           museums are becoming more popular with families.

A. whose

B. in which

C. that

D. which

17. Before           the essay, one must revise it several times.

A. handing in

B. handed in

C. having handed in

D. being handed in

18. The local people here eat           as they actually need every day.

A. twice protein as much

B. twice as much protein

C. protein as twice much

D. protein as much twice

19. If we           in this project, our profits would have been greatly reduced.

A. invested

B. had invested

C. should invest

D. would invest

20. Lisa ran towards her mother, eggs            carefully in her hands.

A. holding

B. were held

C. to be held

D. held





Example: Who's taking care the dog while you're away? Taking care→taking care of

21. The police was also looking for a second car.

22. Hury up, and you won't catch the bus.

23. I found some old photo at the back of the drawer.

24. The plants are use to the desert people to get over diseases.

25. The English teacher found the chair broken and tried to find who had broken it.

26. At that time China was the most powerful country in word.

27. Hearing her name alling, she ran to the window.

28. Nearly three years before, my brother and I planted some plum trees in our garden.

29. The population of England is fewer than that of China.

30. It was too noisy last night that I couldn't sleep well.



31. the war / not until / came to an end/ 1976/ that/ finally / it was

32. the operation / an even chance/ there was / that/ would fail / we knew

33. who/ got rescued / were trapped / those / under the nuins

34. so many people/ is not enough / to/ live through / the money left / for

35. because / she didn't / think of / answer/ anything to say / she couldn't

36. we are ready / and learn from failure/ if/ reach the top/ to canry on/ we can

37. try to explain/ in the way / who study the human mind / that they do/ doctors / why people behave

38. has prevented me/ that this diffcult task / to your ltter/ I am sory / from sending an earlier reply

39. giving your advice / what we can do / our foreign business management/ would you mind / on / to improve

40. that the climate/ by air pollution / by some scientists/ may be afcted/ it is believed/ of the entire earth



Example: A. What a nice present you gave me. me !

B. You think you are right don't you? right,

41. I wonder how you will solve the problem?

42. Mary became an engineer when she was twenty five.

43. Mike didn't study physics hard, therefore, he failed the final exam.

44.“No I didn't laugh at her," said the boy.

45. You need to improve your English skills in all respects, listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

46. Knowing it might rain I took an umbrella this moming.

47. I's amazing! What a tall tree it is?

48. I's ten minutes walk fom my home to the school.

49. To begin with I have to find some books for reference.

50. What would you like? coffee or tea?



51. You're Zhang Xiaohe, the production manager. There will be a 50% increase in demand of product ZZ next month. You want to learn from the warehousing manager, li Jing, the inventory of ZZ. Please write a memo :

asking her for help with the inventory of ZZ; .

elling her the expected demand next month;

asking for a prompt reply.











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