違法信息舉報 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責任編輯:訚星楚 2021-10-20











1. Present at the meeting were members of the departments

A. messed

B. concerned

C. purchased

D. removed

2. We students all            to be a better person everyday.

A. strive

B. exceed

C. allow

D. remain

3. Because of this, the economic numbers are            to get better next year.

A. likely

B. absolute

C. facial

D. exactly

4. Research            that shopping habits are changing fast in this country.

A. refers

B. indicates

C. values

D. frees

5. Some people think it is            to tax rich people highly.

A. principal

B. active

C. fair

D. limited

6. The children have very different            , so they responded differently to the same occasion.

A. divisions

B. faults

C. combinations

D. personalities

7. Man's knowledge of nature has been a very impotant            to the development of the world.

A. influence

B. improvement

C. wish

D. aid

8. Afer the terible accident, he was            to the wheelchair.

A. linked

B. confined

C. lead

D. effected

9. It is said that theories always            from practice.

A. originate

B. openate

C. lead

D. prevent

10. Johnson expects the future; His friend Winston, by_____, looks to the past.

A. comparison

B. contrast

C. chance

D. aceident

11. The company can supply            to 1 million facial masks in a week.

A. about :

B. down

C. up

D. almost

12. He finally grew up to be a man that his parents could            on.

A. depend

B. focus

C. trust

D. work .

13. If you were            of all the problems, you would change your mind.

A. careful

B. rare

C. know

D. aware

14. In            of his bad behavior he was fired by his boss.

A. consequence

B. brief

C. balance

D. advance

15. In order to improve our goods, we need more feedback from the            

A. consumers

B. elevators

C. drawbacks

D. insurances



16. Sound

slower than light.

A. travels

B. is travelling .

C. travelled

D. will travel

17. The shirt costs me¥50

A. instead

B. instead of

C. instead of cost

D. than

18. Don't take that ladder away. Your father.            it.

A. uses

B. is using

C. was using

D. have used

19. The new plan will save            50% of the checkout time.

A. as much as

B. an many as

C. least

D. most

20. Let's start the meeing            he comes.

A. no sooner

B. that

C. until

D. as soon as

21. After the rain the plants grew mpidly,             by magic.

A. like

B. asif

C. probably

D. even if

22. I look forward            you again.

A. to seeing

B. see

C. to being seen

D. for

23. He promised that             he started, he would not give up.

A. once 

B. where


D. because

24. The books,___ were written by Mr. King, were best-sellers.

A. that

B. they

C. which

D. those

25. I            go now, orI will miss the train.

A. can

B. may

C. dare

D. must

26. If I were you, I             the book on the left.

A. will read

B. would read

C. must read

D. can read

27. Michael went to the library yesterday,            

A. so his sister did

B. so did his sister

C. his sister so did

D. his sister did so

28. I am not certain

he will go or not.

A. what

B. where

C. that

D. whether

29. Study hard, you will succeed            

A. but

B. if

C. when

D. and 

30. I can't find the newspaper the article is            

A. printed

B. printed at

C. printed on

D. printed for






It was a freezing dawn, 14-year-old Jeremy was out in the wild._ 41 , Jeremy would have run around with his camera, trying to_ 42 the landscape, but this morning he was to start duck shooting. He had hated it since his father bought him a gun, but was 43 to go through with it.  He loved his father, and wanted his_ 44 more than anything in the world.

When a small flight of ducks came down, Jeremy stood ψ and took aim. But he simply couldn't pull his tigger(扳機)and the ducks quickly flew outof_ 45_. “ Well, what happened?" his father asked. The boy did not answer. His lips were_ 46 。“ Why didn't you shoot?" “Because they wereso_ 47 . ”Jeremy sat on the rough bench, face_ 48 in his hands, and wept. All hope of pleasing his father was gone. For a long moment his father was 49 “Here comes a single. Let's try again. ”“ It's no use, Dad. 1 can't.”“Hury, you'l miss him. Here !" Cold metal touched Jeremy. He looked up, unbelieving. His father was handing the_ 50 to him.“ Quick,”he said softly. “ He won't _51 alll day !”Jeremy quickly pointed the camena and_ 52_ the button. “I got him!" His face lit up.“Did you?" His father's hand touched the boy's shoulder briefly.“That's good. ”He looked at his son, and Jeremy saw that there was no disappointment in his eyes, only_ 53_ and sympathy and love.“It's okay, son. I'll_ 54 love shooting. But that doesn't mean you have to. Sometimes it takes as much 55 not to do a thing as to do it. ”He paused and said,“Could you teach me how to use that camera?"

41. A. Rarely

B. Ondinarily

C. Possibly

D. Frequendly

42. A. record

B. paint

C. preserve

D. change

43. A. forced

B. interested

C. determined

D. supposed

44. A. agreement

B. protection

C. permission

D. approval

45. A. range

B. mind

C. control

D. place

46. A. moving

B. twisting

C. bleeding

D. trembling

47. A. alive

B. apid

C. ferce

D. wild

48. A. covered

B. buried

C. sweating

D. buming

49. A. silent

B. angry

C. nervous

D. anxious

50. A. gun

B. camena .

C. knife

D. medal

51. A. help out

B. hang around

C. stay u

D. put away

52. A. held

B. searched

C. pressed

D. cleaned

53. A. upset

B. pride 

C. teror

D. respect

54. A. never

B. ever

C. always

D. even .

55. A. courage

B. love

C. patience

D. skill



Passage 1

Ted didn't like cars. He wanted people to stop driving because cars made the air dity. Ted had an idea. He said,“I'm going to cycle around North Amenica. I want to show everyone that cycling isa fun way to get around.

He left his hometown with $ 160 in his pocket. When he got to San Diego, he met another cyclist who invited Ted to speak at a big meeting about the environment. He said, “We'll pay your airfare to Texas and we'll pay you to talk about your cycling trip.”Two hours later, Ted was on a plane to the environmental conference and to a big surprise! While he was at the conference, he met Dianna. It was love at first sight! They talked for six hours.

The next day, Ted alled Dianna and asked her to finish the trip with him. Dianna said yes, sold everything in her apartment, gave her notice at work, and was on the road with Ted 20 days later! On their way back home , they got married.

56. Ted went cyeling because

A. he loved adventure

B. cycling was a lot of fun

C. he wanted to find himself a wife

D. he supported environmental protection

57. Ted got paid for

A. giving a talk about his eycling trip

B. cycling throughout North America

C. traveling around North America by air

D. attending conferences on cycling

58. The“big suprise" he had at the conference was that

A. he met another cyclist who wanted to join him

B. he fell in love with a girl there

C. he gave a long talk lasting 6 hours

D. he had a lot of fun talking about his eyeling trip

59. According to the passage, Dianne

A. quit her job to join Ted on his trip

B. sold all her possessions to pay for Ted's trip

C. was fired by her employer for not going to work

D. joined Ted's trip uwillingly and reluctantly

60. During the tip, Ted and Dianne

A. found it hard to get up early

B. were atacked by motoreycle gangs

C. did not have to pay for their meal in restaurants

D. decided to get married and actually did so

Passage 2 

Industrial pollution is not only a problem for the countries of Furope and North America. It is also an extremely serious problem in some developing countries. For these countries, economic growth is a very important goal. They want to attract new industries, and s0 they put few controls on industries which cause pollution.

Cubatao, an industrial town of 85,000 people in Brazil, is an example of the connection between industrial development and pollution. In 1954, Cubatao had no industry. Today it has more than twenty large factories, which produce many pollutants. The people of the town are exposed to a large number of poisonous substances in their environment and the consequences of this exposure can be clearly seen. Birth defeets are extremely common. Among children and adults, lung problems are sometimes twelve times more common in Cubatao than in other places.

It is true that Brazil, like many other counties , has laws against pollution, but these laws are not enforced strictly enough. It is cheaper for companies to ignore the laws and pay the fines than to buy the expensive equipment that will reduce the pollution. It is clear, therefore, that economie growth is more important to the government than the health of the workers. However, the responsibility does not completely lie with the Brazilian government. The example of Cubatao shows that intemational companies are not acting in a responsible way, either. A number of the factories in the town are owned by large companies from France, ltaly, and the U. s. They are doing things in Brazil that they would not be able to do at home. If they caused the same amount of pollution at home, they would be severely punished or even put out of business.

61. Why don't developing countries have strict pollution controls?

A. Because the new industries they want to atract do not cause much pollution.

B. Because pollution is not a serious problem for developing countries.

C. Because they fail to realize that the balance of nature will be disturbed by some pllutants.

D. Because if developing countries put strict controls on industry, fewer companies would build new plants there.

62. What is the author's purpose in mentioning Cubatao?

A. To show that industrial development can progress very quickly in developing countries.

B. To show that the pollution problem in Brazil is extremely serious.

C. To show that industrial growth causes pollution problems for developing countries.

D. To show that pollution is threatening the lives of many people and the whole economy of Brazil.

63. Why do some foreign companies like to set up their plants in Brazil?

A. Because the investment envionment in Bnazil is suitable for them.

B. Because they will not be severely punished if they cause pollution in Brazil.

C. Because they can make a big proft as the labor cost in Brazil is relatively low.

D. Because they can act in an iresponsible way in Brazil because there are no pollution laws there.

64. The word “enforced”(L.2, Para. 3) could best be replaced by

A. caried out

B. drawn ψ

C. looked over

D. put out

65. What can we conclude from the passage?

A. In Brazil companies which ignore pllution laws have to pay fines.

B. The Brazilian govemment pays great attention to the health of workers.

C. Many foreign companies are out of business in Bnazil for their pollution.

D. Most international companies are responsible in Bnazil.





66. in excess of

67. money market

68. foreign-trade zones

69. interpersonal relationship .

70. invisible exports









76. Passengers were asked to identify their own suitcases before they were put on the plane. (4分)

77. Our country has plentiful natural resources, which are being exploited and used. (4分)


78.全世界的人都知道,馬克.吐溫是一位偉大的美國作家。(3 分)

79.在這個種族大熔爐中各種文化融為一體。(4 分)


