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自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2020-03-12



Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%) Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the Corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%)


In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the Corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.在這部分有30個不完整的句子。對于每一個句子有四種選擇標有A ,B ,C和D.選擇一個最佳答案完成句子。然后在答題紙上涂黑相應(yīng)的字母。

16. The fried fish we ate at the restaurant yesterday is delicious. I'd like to have it again even if it costs____.昨天我們在餐館里吃的炸魚很好吃。我想再吃一次即使它花費兩倍的價格。

A.as twice much B. twice as much C. much as twice D. as much twice


17. ____too much to do, they have to keep themselves busy all day long.因為要做的事兒多,他們不得不整天都忙活。

A. Having B. Have C. Had D. Being


18. Air pollution, together with overpopulation, ____ many problems in big cities.大城市里大氣污染和人口過剩一起正造成了許多問題。

A. are causing B. is causing C. are caused D. is caused

主謂一致:together with overpopulation,直接看前面的主語為單數(shù),且句意不用被動語態(tài)

19. She has no idea of what the book is about. She ____ have read it carefully.她不知道這本書是關(guān)于什么的。她____已經(jīng)仔細閱讀。

A.mustn’t B.can't C.shouldn't D.needn't


20. ____ from space, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a "blue planet".如果從太空看,70 %的表面為水覆蓋的我們的地球,顯示為“藍色星球” 。

A. Seeing B. To be seen C. Seen D. Having seen


21. The mere fact____ most people believe a nuclear war would be mad does not mean that it will not occur.大多數(shù)人認為核戰(zhàn)爭是瘋狂的這一事實并不意味著它不會發(fā)生。

A. what B. which C. that D. why


22. It was____ he had made such great contributions to world peace that he won the Nobel Prize for Peace.正是因為他對世界和平有如此巨大的貢獻使他獲得了諾貝爾和平獎。

A.that B.because C.how D.why


23. If it ____tomorrow, we won't go for a picnic.如果明天下雨,我們將不能去野炊了。

A. Will rain B. should rain C. rains D. rained


24. The number of members in the club____ to two hundred.俱樂部會員的數(shù)量被限制在200人。

A. were limited B. limits C. was limited D. limited

被動語態(tài)和主謂一致單數(shù):was limited

25. There are many fashion shops and expensive restaurants on ____ sides of the street.大街的兩側(cè)有許多時尚商店和昂貴的餐廳。

A. all B, each C, both D.every


26. I went to____ London yesterday and saw ____strange old man and a little girl, begging by the roadside.我昨天去倫敦,看到一個奇怪的老年人和一個小女孩,在路邊乞討。

A./;a B.a;/ C./;the D.the;/


27. John, let's take a taxi,_____?約翰,我們打車吧,好嗎?

A. Will you B. Shall we C. would you D. should we

反義疑問句:let us,shall we。

28. Of all the girls in the class Jane studies the____ .班上所有的女孩當(dāng)中,簡學(xué)習(xí)最刻苦。

A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. hardly


29. Do you know the girl____father died in a car accident last week?你認識那個女孩嗎?她的父親上周在一場車禍中死了。

A.who B.that C.whom D.whose


30. When the violinist finished his performance, the audience stood up and ____for five minutes.


A.acted B.clapped C.backed D.closed


31. She doesn't want to listen to you now; she has something urgent to____.現(xiàn)在她不想聽你的;她有急事要處理。

A. talk with B. laugh at 嘲笑 C. cope with D. warm up 熱身; 變暖; 重新煮熱

動詞短語:處理:cope with

32. I can't find my keys! Can you help me ____ them?我鑰匙不見了。你能幫我找找嗎?

A. dream about夢想 B. look for C. see through 看穿,識破 D. speak of

動詞短語考點:尋找look for

33. A: ____ Madam, Is there a post office near here?女士,這附近有郵局嗎?

B: Keep on going ahead. Turn right at the first crossroads. Then you'll find one there.


A. Sorry B. You are welcome 不用謝; 別客氣

C. Excuse me 勞駕,對不起 D. Thanks a lot


34. The American couple have____ a two-year-old child, who lost his parents in an earthquake.


A. adjusted 調(diào)節(jié),適應(yīng) B. afforded 給予,提供 C. approved D. adopted


35. You should be ____ of yourself, telling lies at your age.你應(yīng)該為自己感到羞愧,說假話,在你的年齡。

A. ashamed B. accurate 精確的 C. adequate足夠的 D.attractive吸引人的


36. No sooner had he sat down to lunch____there was a knock at the door.剛一坐下來吃午餐,就有人敲門。

A. when B. that C. as D. than

固定結(jié)構(gòu):No sooner。。。than。。。Hardly。。。 when。。。

37. This kind of computer is____handling all kinds of information.這種電腦有能力去處理各種各樣的信息。

A. capable to B. able to C. capable of 有能力的 D. able of

介詞+ving形式:直接選擇be capable of doing sth。

38. Please sit down and make yourself____.請坐,隨便一點,請不要拘束。

A. in the room B. fine C. easy D. at home

固定搭配:make oneself at home不要拘束

39. He offered to____her a hand as the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry.他幫助了拎了箱子,她因為這個箱子對她來講太重了。

A.borrow B.help C.lend D.show

動詞考點:lend sb a hand lend a hand 幫助

40. Don't let the child play with scissors ____he cuts himself.不要讓這個小孩玩剪子以免弄傷他自己。

A. in case B. so that 以便 C. now that D. only if只有


41. Let me give you a ____ of how the computer works.讓我演示一下計算機是如何工作的。

A. demonstration示范; B. difference C. deduction 減除; 減除額; 扣除 D. Distinction區(qū)別,差別


42. ________ the rain, we would have had a pleasant trip to the countryside.要不是下雨,我們本可以有一個快樂的農(nóng)村之旅的。

A. Because of B. Due to因為, 由于 C. Thanks to幸虧; 由于 D. But for要不是


43. The textbook is for the ____ students, not for the beginners.這本教材是為高級學(xué)生編寫的,不是給初學(xué)者的。

A. foreign B. blind C. advanced D. deaf


44. By the end of next month he ____ everything in school.在下個月的月底,他在學(xué)校將已經(jīng)完成一切。

A. will finish B. would have finished C. finishes D. will have finished


45. Sam: I don't drink coffee at all.我不喝咖啡的。

Frank:____ .我也不

A. So don't I B. I do either C. Nor I do D. Neither do I


參考答案:16--20BABBC 21-25CBCCC26-30ABCDB 31-35CBCDA 36--40DCDCA 41-45ADCDD









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