違法信息舉報 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責任編輯:訚星楚 2021-03-11




Part I Writing.(30 minutes)




Section A

36、Questions 36-46 are based on the following passage.

Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go fuller.The way you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually___36____you money or can add to the cost.Take the___37____example of a hairdryer, If you are buying a hairdryer,you might think that you are making the___38____ buy if you choose one whose look you like and which is also the cheapest___39____price.But when you get it home you may find that it takes twice as long as a more expensive___40____to dry your hair.The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well make your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.

So what principles should you___41____when you go out shopping?If you keep your home.your car or any valuable____42___in excellent condition,you’11 be saving money in the long run.Before you buy a new____43___,talk to someone who owns one.If you can.use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular purpose.Before you buy an expensive___44____,or a service,do check the price and what is on offer.If possible.choose____45___three items or three estimates






F. from





K. model















Section B

46、Promote Learning and Skills for Young People and Adults

A) This goal places the emphasis on the learning needs of young people and adults in the context of lifelong learning.It calls for fair access to learning programs that are appropriate,and mentions life skills particularly.

B.Education is about giving people the opportunity to develop their potential,their personality and their strengths.This does not merely mean learning new knowledge,but also developing abilities to make the most of life.These are called life skills——including the inner capacities and the practical skills we need.

C.Many of the inner capacities——often known as psych0—social skills——cannot be taught as subjects.They are not the same as academic or technical learning.They must rather be modeled and promoted as part of learning,and in particular by teachers.These skills have to do with the way we behave—towards other people,towards ourselves,towards the challenges and problems of life.

They include skills in communicating,in making decisions and solving problems,in negotiating and expressing ourselves,in thinking critically and understanding our feelings.

D.More practical life skills are the kinds of manual skills we need for the physical tasks we face.Some would include vocational skills under the heading of life skills——the ability to lay bricks.sew clothes,catch fish or repair a motorbike.These are skills by which people may earn their livelihood and which are often available to young people leaving school.In fact,very often young people learn psycho-social skills as they learn more practical skills.Learning vocational skills can be a strategy for acquiring both practical and psycho-social skills.

E.We need to increase our life skills at every stage of life,so learning them may be part of early child—hood education.of primary and secondary education and of adult learning groups.Life skills can be put into the categories that the Jacques Delors report suggested;it spoke of four pillars of education,which correspond to certain kinds of life skills—Learning to know:Thinking abilities:such as problem—solving,critical thinking,decision making,understanding consequences.Learning to be: Personal abilities:such as managing stress and feelings,self-awareness,self-confidence.Learning to live together:Social abilities:such as communication,negotiation,teamwork.Learning to do: Manual skills:practicing know-how required for work and tasks.

F.In today’s world all these skills are necessary, in order to face rapid change in society.This means that it is important to know how to go on learning as we require new skills for life and work.In addition,we need to know how to cope with the flood of information and turn it in touseful knowledge.We also need to learn how to handle change in society and in our own lives.

G.Life skills are both concrete and abstract—practical skills can be learned directly, as a subject.For example, a learner can take a course in laying bricks and learn that skill.Other life skills,such as self-confidence,self-esteem,and skills for relating to others or thinking critically cannot be taught in such direct ways.They should be part of any learning process,where teachers or instructors are concerned that learners should not just learn about subjects,but learn how to cope with life and make the most of their potential.

H.So these life skills may be learnt when learning other things.For example:Learning literacy may have a big impact on self-esteem,on critical thinking or on communication skills;Learning practical skills s ach as drivin9,healthcare or tailoring may increase self-confidence,teach problem—solving processes or help in understanding consequences.

I. Whether this is true depends on the way of teachin9—what kinds of thinkin9,relationship building and communication the teacher or facilitator models themselves and promotes among the learners.

It would require measuring the individual and collective progress in making the most of learning and of life,or assessing how far human potential is being realized,or estimating how well people cope with change.It is easier to measure the development of practical skills,for instance by counting the number of students who register for vocational skills courses.However, this still may not tell us how effectively these skills are being used.

J.The psych0.social skills cannot easily be measured by tests and scores,but become visible in Chang behavior.Progress in this area has often been noted by teachers on reports which they make t.the parents of their pupils.The teacher’s experience of life,of teaching and of what can be expected from education in the broadest sense serve as a standard by which the growth and development of individuals can be assessed to some extent.This kind of assessment is individual and may never appear in international tables and charts.

K.The current challenges relate to these difficulties:We need to recognize the importance of life skills————both practical and psycho-social—————as part of education which leads to the full development of human potential and to the development of society.The links between psycho—social skills and practical skills must be more clearly spelled out,so that educators can promote both together and find effective ways to do this.Since life skills are taught as part of a wide range of subjects,teachers need to have training in how to put them across and how to monitor learners’ growth in these areas.

In designing curricula and syllabuses for academic subjects,there must be a balance between content teaching and attention to the accompanying life skills.A more conscious and deliberate effort to promote life skills will enable learners to become more active citizens in the life of society.

L. Governments should recognize and actively advocate for the transformational role of education in realizing human potential and in socio—economic development.Ensure that curricula and syllabuses address life skills and give learners the opportunity to make real-life applications of knowledge,skills and attitudes.Show how life skills of all kinds apply in the world of work,for example,negotiating and communication skills,as well practical skills.Through initial and in-service teacher training,increase the use of active and participatory learning/teaching approaches.Examine and adapt the processes and content of education so that there is a balance between academic input and life skills development.Make sure that education inspectors look not only for academic progress through teaching and learning,but also progress in the commmunication, modeling and application of life skills.Advocate for the links between primary and(early.secondary education because learning life skills needs eight or nine years and recognize that the prospect of effective secondary education is an incentive to children,and their parents,to complete primary education successfully.

M.Funding agencies should support research,exchange and debate.nationally and regionally,on ways of strengthening life skills education.Support innovative(創(chuàng)新的.teacher training in order to combine life skills promotion into subjects across the curriculum and as a fundamental part of what school and education are about.Recognize the links between primary and secondary education in ensuring that children develop strong life skills.Support,therefore,the early years of secondary education as part basic education.

N. As support to governments and in cooperation with other international agencies,UNESC0:Works to define life skills better and clarify what it means to teach and learn them.Assists education. policy makers and teachers to develop and use a life skills approach to education.Advocates for the links between a life skills approach to education and broader society and human development.


The recognition of life skills as part of education will promote the development of human potential and society.

47、The abilities to make the most of life consist of the inner capacities and the practical skills.

48、The progress in psycho—social skills can be measured by changed behavior.

49、Governments should examine and adapt the processes and content of education so as to balance the academic input and life skills development.

50、According to Jacques Delors,four pillars of education include learning to know, learning to be, learning to live together and learning to do.

51、The funding agencies should link primary education and secondary education to make sure that children develop strong life skills.

52、Learning literacy may exert an influence on self-esteem,critical thinking and communication skills.

53、One function of UNESCO is to help educational policy makers and teachers to develop and use a life skills approach to education.

54、Learning vocational skills can be an approach to acquiring both practical and psycho—social skills.

55、The abilities to manage stress and feelings,self-awareness,self-confidence are personal abilities.

Section C

56、Questions56-61 are based on the following passage.

It was once thought that air pollution affected only the area immediately around large cities with factories and heavy automobile traffic.Today,we know that although these are the areas with the worst air pollution,the problem is literally worldwide.On several occasions over the past decade,a heavy cloud of air pollution has covered the entire eastern half of the United States and led to health warnings even in rural areas away from any major concentration of manufacturing and automobile traffic.In fact, the very climate of the entire earth may be affected by air pollution.

Some scientists feel that the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the air resulting from the burning of fossil fuels(coal and oil.is creating a“greenhouse effect”一holding in heat reflected from the earth and raising the world’s average temperature.If this view is correct and the world’s temperature is raised only a few degrees。much of the polar ice cap will melt and cities such as New Y0rk,Boston,Miami,and New Orleans will be under water.

Another view,less widely held,is that increasing particulate matter in the atmosphere is blocking sunlight and lowering the earth’s temperature—a result that would be equally disastrous.A drop of just a few degrees could create something close to new ice age and would make agriculture difficult or impossible in many of our top farming areas.

At present we do not know for sure that either of these conditions will happen,though one recent government report prepared by experts in the field concluded that the greenhouse effect is very likely.Perhaps,if we are very lucky,the two tendencies will offset each other and the world’s temperature will

stay about the same as it is now.

According to the passage,people today think that air pollution________.

A.exists merely in urban and industrial areas

B.may have an effect on the entire earth

C.causes widespread damage in the countryside

D.is not so serious as it used to be

57、The“greenhouse effect”results from________.

A.the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air

B.the increasing particulate matter in the atmosphere

C.the burning of firewood

D.the blocking of sunlight

58、What does the author think of the possibility of a new ice age?

A.He rejects it as being ungrounded.

B.He holds the same view.

C.He is uncertain of its occurrence.

D.He thinks that would happen soon.

59、The word“offset” Line 3,Para.4.means________.

A.slip into

B.catch up with

C.set up

D.make up for

60、The passage is mainly about__________.

A.the potential effect of air pollution

B.the possibility of a new ice age

C.the effects of global warming

D.the causes of climate change

61、Questions{TSE} are based on the following passage.

Becker had one occasional anxiety:the suspicion that he owned more than would fit comfortably into the case.The feeling,when it came,was the signal for him to throw something away or just leave it lying about.This was the automatic fate of his worn—out clothes for example.Having no use for choice or variety,he kept just a raincoat,a suit,a pair of shoes and a few shirts,socks and so on,no more in the clothing line.He bought and read many books,and left them wherever he happened to be sitting when he finished them.They quickly found new owners.

Becker was a professional traveler,interested and interestin9.He was not one t0 “do” a country in a week or a city in three days.He liked to get the feel of a place by living in it,reading its newspapers,watching its TV and discussing its affairs.He always tried to make a few friends,if necessary even by stopping a suitable—looking person in the street and talking to him.It worked well in about one case inten.Though Becker’s health gave him no cause for alarm,he made.a point of seeing a doctor as soon as he arrived anywhere.“A doctor knows a place and its people better than anyone,”he used to say.

He never went to see a doctor,he always sent for one,that,he found,was the quickest way to gain confidences,which came out freely as soon as he mentioned that he was a writer.

Becker was an artist as well.He painted pictures of his places and,when he had gathered enough information,he wrote about them.He sold his work,through an agent,to newspapers and magazines.It was an agreeable sort of life for a good social mixer,lived nearly always in fine weather,and as Becker never stayed anywhere for long,he enjoyed the satisfying advantage of paying very little in tax.

According to the passage,the anxiety of Becker was__________.

A.the doubt that he owned too much clothes

B.the thought of having too much baggage

C.the miserable fate of his worn out clothes

D.the decline in his memory

62、What is the fate of Becker’s books?

A.They were kept in his case.

B.They were sent to his friends.

C.They were donated to others in need.

D.They were left anywhere.

63、Becker would see a doctor as he arrived at a new place because__________.

A.his health was in danger

B.he wanted to make friends with the doctor

C.he intended to get confidences from the doctor

D.he wanted to know the place and its people through the doctor

64、How did Becker feel about taxation?

A.He was pleased he only had to pay little.

B.He felt ashamed of not paying taxes.

C.He worried about it,so he moved from one place to another.

D.He hated it so much that he broke the tax laws.

65、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Becker was always worried about something that would not happen.

B.Becker kept a good many books.

C.Becker would talk to strangers in the street.

D.Becker often traveled through a country in a couple of days.

Part IV Translation.(30minutes)

66、信用卡(credit card)是銀行所創(chuàng)造出來的最便捷同時也是最危險的信用工具。通過信用卡,人們可以先用銀行付賬的方式購買那些負擔不起的物品,同時,銀行也將對此征收比一般貸款要高的利率(interest rate)。遺憾的是,信用卡現(xiàn)已成為資本主義體制(capitalist system)的重要組成部分,而該體制就得依賴消費(consumption)的持續(xù)增長。



26.claim 27.produce 28.complaint 29.assuming 30. person 31.acceptble 32.firmly 33.question

34.presenting 35.politely








