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自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2020-03-31



Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)

Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by fivequestions or unfinished statements.For each ofthem there are four choicesmarked A, B C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on theANS H ER SHEET.

Passage One

Big data can be defined as information that is too big or complex to be containedor processed by any one machine or person.AsastudentattheUniversity of Sussex, Julian Dailly had two majors – English and philosophy. When he completed his studies, Dailly wondered how he would everearn a living in a world filled with machines and technology. Now, he is part of the big data industry that includes Google andFacebook.

Dailly's research company,Morar Consulting,started three years ago with fiveemployees.The company's earnings have increased by 25 % each year.It now employs90 people."What we do here is we try to discover what's meaningful for people and Linkthattotheireconomicbehavio r,‖ Daillysaid.

He noted the importance of working with people with different skills."We havepeople from traditional research backgrounds,in addition to some in social sciences,economics,people from tech backgrounds,and sales people," Dailly said.

Companies like Dailly's employ recent college graduates.The industry profitsfrom the ideas ofthese young men and women. New forms ofdata also make it possiblefor some observers to predict the future. They are more valuable to companies than thetraditional forms ofdata recording or reporting.

"We have access to the core information inside people's heads," Dailly said."Theytell you what people are going to do as opposed to what they've done. That helps peopletake proper action in advance. This makes it much more useful for strategy."Julian Dailly dismisses concerns that computers have finally taken control ofourdaily lives. "Some may worry that humans will be allowed to be replaced by machines.Ithink it's a fantasy."

16.Dailly has an educationbackground of ______.

A.engineering B.arts

C. sciences D.business

17.Dailly'scompany focuses on businesses in ______.

A. marketing strategy B.machineselling

C. staff training D.bigdataresearch

18.The company's staffis characterized by all the following EXCEPT ______.

A.freshideas B.youngage

C. mixed education backgrounds

D. rich experience in the field

19.The company is aimed at making use of the information to help people ______.

A.take predictive actionB.rememberthepast

C. learn fromeachotherD.stick to the tradition

20.According to Dailly, the idea that humans may be replaced by machines ______.

A.isawisewarning B.ispureimagination

C.maycometrue D.needsfurtherstudy










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