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普通專升本 責任編輯:管理員 2022-09-19





說明: 1.考生必在答題卡上答題,用2B鉛筆將準考證號代碼涂黑,其余用鋼筆或圓珠筆填寫。



Part I .Vocabulary(1 X 20=20 Points)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best one and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1. There are no openings at present, so the company will not______anybody.

A. handle

B. hire

C. lead

D. dismiss

2. The grocery store has been closed down since no one wanted to______the business.

A. put up

B. give off

C. bring about

D. take over

3. When I changed my job. I had to______to another apartment.

A. gather

B. move

C. post

D. master

4. This workshop is to cope______the challenges we have faced worldwide.

A. at

B. in

C. with

D. of

5. The meeting room is so small that it can hold 20 people______.

A. at last

B. at first

C. at once

D. at most

6. We need to______an eye on all the activities to make sure that people stay safe.

A. catch

B. bring

C. keep

D. take

7. The rope is not strong enough to______the weightcfir hig case

A. conduct

B. support

C. produce

D. make

8. You can trust our product as we have______control over its quality.

A. natural

B. strict

C. limited

D. ittle

9.I do not______to meet you here far away in this country.

A. think

B. see

C. guess

D. expect

10. It has been unusually cold this winter and experts say it's not______.

A. necessary

B. normal

C. different


11. No company can afford to bear the______of customer confidence.

A. stress

B. hurry

C. loss

D. worry

12.We have read this instruction many times and we are______with all the steps we should take.

A. similar

B. useful

C familiar

D. helpful

13.The project team______people from different departments of the company.

A. falls into

B. consists of

C. brings about

D. results from

14.We'd like to make an______with your manager to further discuss the contract.

A. opportunity

B. influence

C. experiment

D. appointment

15.We should be______of cultural differences while doing foreign trade.

A. active

B. aware

C. friendly

D. hopeful

16.The early pioneers had to______many hardships to settle on the new land like the New World,

A. goalong

B. go backon

C. go into

D. go through

17.1 broke my relationship with him because he always found______with me.

A. mistake

B. fault

C. failure

D. error

18.In case f something unexpected, it is advisable to_____ your life against accident.

A. be sure

B. insure

C. ensure

D. assure

19. Computer technology makes it____ for people to work from home.

A. harmful

B. serious

C. difficult

D. possible

20.______the price of the product, you will have to pay for shipping.

A. In termsof

B. in relation to

C. in additionto

D. in spite of

Part II. Structure(1 X 20=20 Points)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A,B, C, and D, Choose the best one and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

21. I wish I could have attended the job fair yesterday, but 1______it.

A. will miss

B. missed

C. would miss

D. miss

22. The business talk______next week when the CEO of your company comes.

A. was held

B. is being held

C. has been held

D. will be held

23. We were excited to learn that the last month's sales_______by 40%.

A. are increasing

B. have Increase

C.has been held

D.will be held

24. The general manager sat there,_______to the report from each department.

A. listening

B.to listen


D. being listen

25. Please forgive me for______your permission to use your typewriter.

A. not ask

B. not asking

C. asking not

D.ask not

26. Itis a fact______most deaths from lung cancer are 1ue ; by smoking





27 . we investigated other companies to discover______they dealt with complaints from their customers.





28 . You cannot cancel your order______you change your mind within three days.




D.so that

29. Have you read our ltter of December 12______in we complained about the quality of your product?





30.The manager required that all the employees______at the office before 9:30 in the morning.

A. arrive

B.will arrive


D.have arrived

31.It was three years ago_______his sister became a doctor.




D. what

32.______I had a problem , I would talk with someone online to seek help.


B.Just as

C.So far

D.Every time

33. By the time you get to the office I______all the documents for the meeting.

A.will have prepared

B.was preparing


D.had prepared

34. The manager said that there were two reasons______our sales dropped sharply last years.





35. In order to improve your communication skills , we will show you how to learn_______about your customers than you know now.





36. We don't have to hurry as the bus_______for London at five in the evening


B.has been leaving

C.has left


37.The company is offering a five percent discount to customers as a way_______its online sales.

A.to promote




38.The service there was______poor that we went to another restaurant down the street.





39.Only after we really understand your business_______a suitable insurance program me for you.

A.we can recommend

B.can we recommend

C.recommend we can

D.recommend can we

40. We have investigate as_______customer service as possible in order to make sure of the potential of the market.





Parll.Reading Comprehension ( 35 Points )

Directions:There are five passages in this part . Each passage is followed by some questions .For each of them,there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D . Choose the best one and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage One (1X5=5 Points )

Finding a good work-at-home job is not easy. Although you see all the online advertising,there aren't that many of them. Those that are available may require that you live in a certain area or spend at least some time in the office. Others may be only part time jobs.

Keep in mind that the skills needed for home employment are similar to those needed for working in an office. You II also need a home office with a high speed Internet.connection.phone,fax.computer.printer,and other equipment.

To get started, consider your job search as your job. spend as many hours per week on your job search as you would spend working. If you're looking for full- time work should be spending ull-time hours seeking a job.

Networking ( 人際關系) remains the top way to find a job and it does work. Develop contacts- friends,family, even the other job seekers”- anyone who might have the information you need. You can take a direct approach and ask for job information or try a less formal approach and ask for information and advice. Contact everyone you know and tell them you want to work from home. You may be surprised by the people they know and the job information they can provide

41. According to the first paragraph, it is not easy to find good work-at-home jobs because______.

A. they are seldom advertised online or in newspapers

B. you are always asked to work fll-time

C. they may require that you live in a certain place

D. you need to have a college degree

42.compared with those needed for working in an office the skills for working at home are______.

A. much easier

B. totally different

C. more challenging

D.almost the same

43. To find a good work- at-home job, you are advised to______.

A. spend as much time as possible on you job search

B. create a website of your own

C. contact as many companies as you can

D.try your best to look for ull-time employment

44.According to the passage, the best way to find a work-at-home job is______.

A. by personal visits

B.through networking

C. by online application

D.through emaling

45. The passage is mainly about______.

A. how to build a work -at-home office

B. the equipment needed for home working

C. the skills required for working from home

D. how to look for a work-at home job

Passage Two (1X5=SPoints)

Starting a restaurant can be rewarding but challenging. Here are some steps to help you to make your restaurant business a success.

First, take a look at the restaurants that will be your competition.Learn what your competitors ( 競爭者) are serving and use the information to cerate a restaurant that will stand out among them. Speak to people to understand what type of restaurant they would like to have in the area.

Next, you will need to make a decision as to what kind of food you plan to offer. Choosing your target customers will help determine what type of food you will offer.Research the different types of menus and select the menu items that will be right for your restaurant.

Deciding on the building and its location is also important for your success.Make sure that the building is easily found and reached. It is important to be located in an area that will attract customers.

Finally, do plenty of public relations work and advertisement of the restaurant opening. Consider having some special discounts and door prizes on the day of the grand opening.

46. According to the passage, the first step in starting a restaurant is to______.

A. find a suitable location

B. set up your profit goal

C.advertise the opening of your restaurant

D. learn much about your competitors

47. By choosing your target customers, you can______.

A. learn how much you can charge for each dish

B. know the cost of running the restaurant

C. decide on what kind of food to offer them

D.predict how many customers will arrive

48. Which of the fllowing is important when you choose a building for your restaurant?

A. It is popular with tourists.

B. There are no other restaurants near.

C.It is easy for customers to visit.

D. There is a parking lot available.

49. On the day of the opening of your restaurant, you are advised to______.

A. show customers around the building

B. make an opening speech

C. invite some important persons

D. offer some special discounts

50. The passage is mainly about______.

A.how to choose a restaurant location

B. how to cut restaurant running costs

C.how to attract customers

D. how to start a restaurant

Passage Three (1X5=5 Points)

It is important for us to know how to stay safe while traveling in foreign countries. We have all heard the stories of travelers having their wallets (錢包) stolen or finding themselves in the wrong part of town. So you have to be more careful than usual, when traveling abroad.

Remember to carry a small amount of cash and a copy of your ID with you at all times.There is no need to bring large amounts of cash with you. When shopping, use your credit card instead. Keep your wallet in your front pocket so that there is no way someone's hand could get in there without your noticing it.

Travel with a friend,business partner if possible. It is always better to travel in pairs than to go alone. Know where you're going. Look at the map before you leave the hotel so that you know where you're going and how to get there.

Lock your valuables(貴重物品) either in the safe in your hotel room or in the main hotel safe.

Be aware of your surroundings. Look around when walking, and avoid keeping your head low.

51. When shopping abroad, you are advised to_______.

A. use a credit card

B.use online services

C.pay by check

D.pay in cash

52. To keep your wallet safe, you'd better_______.

A. hold it in your hand

B.leave it in the hote! safe

C. keep it in your shoulder bag

D.put it in your front pocket

53. To know where you are going, you are advised to_______.

A. ask the police for detailed information

B. always travel with your business partner

C. look at the map before leaving the hotel

D. have a smart phone with you while traveling

54. Where should you keep your valuables while stayiig ih a hotel?

A. In your pockets.B. In the hotel safe.

C. In your traveling bag.D. In a bedside container.

55. Which of the fllwing can be the tithe for the passage?

A. How to Ask Ways While Traveling

B. How to Shop in a Foreign Country

C. Stay Safe While Traveling Abroad

D. Protect Your Personal Information

Passage Four(2X 5=10 Points)

The world' s rainforests cover less than ten percent of the earths surface, but contain over forty percent of all plant and animal species. The biggest rainforest is in South America, it's called the Amazon.

Amazon is by far the largest remaining rainforest area left on our planet. It's about 6 to 7millin square kilometers. It's about two-thirds the size of the United States including Alaska. It's enormous. Sixty percent of it is in Brazil. but the rainforest also extends into Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela. French Guiana andSurinam, And amazingly each year the Amazon provides twenty percent of the world”s fresh water. Here you can find at least 60-70 thousand plant species and at least 3 thousand species of fresh water fish .And more monkeys than you find anywhere else on earth. In Brazil alone nine new species of monkeys have been identified over the last year.

But many of those species, known and unknown are destroyed every day. Moreoverconstant logging. mining and raising domestic animals cause a gradual disappearance of the Amazon jungles.

56. Over forty percent of all plant and animal species on the earth live in_______.

A.the seas

B.the grassands

C.the rainforests

D.the deserts

57. From the passage, we learn that the Amazon lies in_______.

A.North America

B.South America

C.South Africa

D.North Africa

58. How many new species of monkeys have been identified in Brazil alone over the last year?




59. The word"constant"(Line 2, Para.3)means_______.





60. What is NOT the cause of the gradual disappearance of the Amazon jungles, according to the passage?


B.Constant logging

C.Products cars.

D.Raising domestic animals.

Passage Five (25=10 Points)

The brain is seemingly endless library, whose shelves house our most precious memories as well as our lifetime's knowledge. But is there a point where it reaches capacity?

The answer is no, because brains are more sophisticated( 復雜)than that. Instead of just crowding in, old information is sometimes pushed out of the brain for new memories to form

Previous behavioural studies have shown that learning new information can lead toforgetting.But in a new study,researchers demonstrated for the first time how this effect occuns in the brain.

In daily life,forgetting actually has clear advantages.lmagine,for instance,that you lost your bank card.The new card you receive will come with a new personal identification number(PIN).Each time you remember the new PIN,you gradually forget the old one.This process improves access to relevant information.without old memories interfering.

And most of us may sometimes feel the frustriar of having old memories interfere with new,relevant memories. Consider trying to remember where you parked your car in the same car park you were at a week earlier.This type of memory(where you are trying to remember new,but similar information)is particularly vulnerable to interference.

When we acquire new information,the brain automatically tries to incorporate( 合井)it within existing information by forming associations.And when we retrieve(檢索)information.both the desired and associated but irrelevant information is recalled.

The majority of previous research has focused on how we learn and remember new information.But current studies are beginning to place greater emphasis on the conditions under which we forget,as its importance begins to be more appreciated.

A very small number of people are able to remember almost every detail of their life.while it may sound like an advantage to many,people with this rare condition often find their unusual ability burdensome.

In a sense, forgetting is our brain' s way of sorting memories, so the most relevant memories are ready for retrieval. Normal forgetting may even be a safety mechanism to ensure our brain doesn't become too full.

61. What have past behavioural studies found about our brain?

A Its capacity actually knows to no limits.

B. It grows sophisticated with practice.

C. New information learned pushes old information out.

D. It keeps our most precious memories until life's end.

62. What is the benefit to forgetting?

A. It fcitates our access to relevant information.

B. It frees us from painful memories.

C. It helps slow down our aging process.

D. It prevents old information from forming associations.

63. What is the emphasis of current studies of memory?

A. When people tend to forget.

B. How new technology hinders memory capacity.

C. What contributes to forgetting.

D. Why learning and forgetting are complementary.

64.What do people find about their rare abllity to remember every detail of their life?

A. It makes their life more complicated.

B. It adds to the burden of their memory.

C.It contributes to their success in life

D. It constitutes a rare object of envy.

65 what does the passage say about forgetting?

A. It can enlarge our brain capacity.

B. It helps get rid of negative memories.

C. It should not cause any alarm in any way.

D. It is a way of organizing our memories.

PartIV. Close(1 X 15=15 Points)

Directions: There are15 blanks in the following passage. For each blank, there are four choices marked A.B.C.and D. Choose the best one that fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Sometimes people find that, although everything is going well in their lives, they are not happy, it is really difficult to 66 your comfortable life behind and move on to other venture. When ! was very young. I had learneda great 67 on the value of doing what you 68 , If you are not feeling comfortable, you should try to 69 your life to make it more enjoyable.

You may 70 me where I learned this lesson. The answer is that listened to the advice of my 71 who is also my great teacher. My father got into the insurance industry when he was very 72 ,and he was very successful. He was one of the first independent salesmen. even though he was only 25 years old. He later became one of the company's73 insurance salesmen in our state,74 , he decided to leave his successful career and 75 other ventures. You might 76 why he did so. The answer is simple: he just wanted to cry new things, and so he did. He wasn't successful in everything he.77 ,but 1 can tell you for certain that he had the satisfaction of doing what he enjoyed.

Leaving one's comfortable life is not easy. I've learned this form my father, and I can say no matter whether the result is good or bad, itis_ 78 doing. So long as we have given it a try and leave no regrets, we have no reason tofeel 79 .1 believe that you can also_ 80 personal satisfaction in your life.

66. A. move

B. leave

C. change

D. remove

67. A. truth

B. fact

C. knowledge

D. lesson

68. A. arrange

B. decide

C. enjoy

D. plan

69. A. choose

B. change

C. collect

D. combine

70. A. request

B. find

C. ask

D. inspire

71. A. brother

B. father

C. friend

D. mother

72. A. handsome

B. young

C. clever

D. outgoing

73. A. strange

B. friendly

C. top

D. honest

74. A. But

B. Thus

C. Otherwise

D. However

75. A. move onto

B. take on

C. bring up

D. turn down

76. A. hesitate

B. discuss

C. predict


77. A. tried

B. bought

C. met


78. A. worthless

B. worth

C. value


79. A. upset

B. nervous

C. thankful


80. A. see

B. search

C. find

D. serve

Part V . Translation (2X5=10 points)

Directions: each of the following sentences is followed by four choices marked A.B.C and D. Choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on the answer Sheet.

81, As far quality is concerned, this product is among the top three in the European market.





82. Whatever his or her job, the hotel person must possess of develop that quality called"service atitude".





83.It is necessary to have a good understanding of all the and conditions before signing a contract.





84.0n account of rapid increase of trade with China, we have recently established a new branch there.





85.The department head does not believe that this is the right way to deal with the problem.


B.部門領導不相信這一方法能正確找出那一問題 。








21- 25BDCAB



36- 40DABAA


46- 50DCCDD


56- 60CBCBC


66- 70BDCBC

71- 75BBCDA















