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普通專升本 責(zé)任編輯:管理員 2022-06-07





1._____ kinds of decorative art: handicrafts and fine arts.

A.There is two

B. There are two

C. In two

D. Two


該題主要考查語法知識主謂一致中的“there be"句型,kinds 復(fù)數(shù)形式,故選B。


2. He taught school for many years and became a doctor in 1975______of forty.

A. age

B. the age

C. at the age

D. he was at the age


該題主要考查介詞短語,在某人多少歲固定用法: at the agef...故選C。

譯文:他教書很多年了,1975 年在他40歲的時候他成為一名醫(yī)生。

3._____,incense is made in powder form or in stacks.

A. It is usually

B. Usually

C. Usually it is

D. Usually it is


該題主要考查副詞修飾句子。本句已經(jīng)有謂語動詞“is”,一個句子不能存在兩個謂語,所以排除A,C, D 故選B。


4. Although Fiona wrote stories and poems as a child, ________she was thirty five.

A. her first real success did not come until

B. her real first success came until not

C. since her first real success did not come until

D. not until her first real success


該題主要考查讓步狀語從句與時間狀語從句,no...until 排除B,再根據(jù)句意,故選A。


5. A line segment, which is part of a straight line, begins at one point __________at another.

A. ending

B. by ending

C. the end is

D. and ends




6. An air brake is_________the power of compressed air to stop a wheel from tumning.

A. a brake that uses

B. a brake used to

C. what any brake is used for

D. that brake is used for


該題主要考查定語從句,that 充當(dāng)從句主語,橫線后句子完整,故選A。


7. Steam turbines weigh______that produce the same amount of power.

A. less than piston engines and

B. less than piston engincs

C. piston engines are less than

D. in piston engines less than




8.______ one-celled organisms, nearly all animals have a nervous system of some kind.

A. Some

B. The

C. Except for

D. Despite


該題主要考查狀語從句,except for表排除,故選C。


9. No matter how_____ , it is not necessarily worthless.

A. dry a desert may be

B. a desert may be dry

C. may a desert be dry

D. a desert dry may be


該題主要考查讓步狀語從句,no matter how+形容詞(副詞) +正常語序的句子,表示“不管怎樣”,故選A。


10. The Smithsonian Institution preserves more than sixty-five million items of scientific,historical, or artistic interest,_________winning the popular title "attic of the nation".

A. however

B. thus

C. and

D. moreover





Cattle have served humanity since prehistoric( 史前) days as beasts of burden and as supplier of leather, meat, and milk. Some of the earliest written records concern the sale of cattle. These valuable animals are unusual in that they do not have front teeth in their upper jaw. Instead they chew with their back teeth and gums (齒齦). Cows swallow their foodquickly and store it in the fat stomach or rumen, the first of the four compartments in the stomachs. Later the food passed into the second stomach or reticulum where it is rolled into little balls or cuds.While resting,cows cough up these cuds and chew them more thoroughly.This time the food passes into the third and then the fourth stomach, where digestion takes place. Bacteria in cow’s stomach aid in digesting the cellulose in terms of grass or hay.

Over one hundred million head of cattle are raised in the United States.Dairy cattle produce more than fifteen and one-half bllion gallons of milk every year. Although dairy

cattle are bred primarily to produce milk ,about half the beef used in United States comes from dairy breeds. This is because when dry(no longer producing milk)they fatten quickly and produce high-quality beef.

11. Questions: According to the passage, what is the rumen?

A. The first stomach compartment.

B. The name of the upper jaw.

C. The stomach where digestion (消化) takes place.

D. The name of the bacteria(細(xì)菌) in the cow's stomach.


細(xì)節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)第一段Cows swallow their food quickly and store it in the fat stomach or rumen, the first of the four compartments stomachs in their.. and和 or 并列前后內(nèi)容意義相近,所以rumen與stomach (胃)意思相近,再根據(jù)下面的firs....可知選A。

12. The cow's second stomach is used primarily for_____.

A. food storage

B. the production of milk

C. digestion

D. the creation of cuds


細(xì)節(jié)理解題,由原文中"Later the food passed into the second stomach or reticulum where it is rolled into lttle balls or cuds."之后,食物通過第二道胃,在這里食物被卷成球體或者反芻,所以牛的第二道胃是將食物卷為球體或者進(jìn)行反芻,故選D。

13.Which of the following is essential in the digestion of the cellulose in the cows stomach?

A. Cud

B. Reticulum

C. Bacteria

D. Grass


細(xì)節(jié)理解題,由原文中“Bacteria in cow's stomach aid in digesting the cellulose in termsofgrassorhay."題目問以下哪些在奶牛胃中纖維素的消化中是必需的?牛胃中的細(xì)菌有助于消化草或干草中的纖維素。故選C。

14. Which of the following statements about cows is NOT true?

A. Cows are suppliers of leather, meat and milk

B. Cows chew and digest their food quickly

C. Cows cough up cuds to chew them more thoroughly

D. Cows produce high-quality beef when dry



15. What does the passage say about the beef consumed in the united states ?

A. Half of it comes from cows that beef consumed in the United States?

B. Much of it contains a lot of fat

C. Half of it comes from dairy breeds

D. Much of it is of poor quality


細(xì)節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)“in the United States”定位到“about half the beef used in United States comes from dairy breeds."這段話關(guān)于美國牛肉的消費(fèi)說明了什么?在美國使用的牛肉中,大約有一半來自乳制品。故選C.


Until the 1980s, the American homeless population comprised (組成) mainly older males. Today, homelessness strikes much younger part of society. In fact, a 25-city survey by the U. S. Conference of Mayors in 1987 found that families with children make up the fastest growing part of the homeless population. Many homeless children gather in inner cities; this transient (變化無常的) and frequenty frightened student population creates additional problems -- both legal and educational -- for already overburdened (負(fù)擔(dān)過重的) urban school administrators and teachers.

Estimates of the number of homeless Americans range from 350,000 to three million. Likewise, estimates of the number of homeless school children vary radically. A U.S. Department of Education report, based on state estimates, states that there are 220,000 homeless school-age children, about a third of whom do not attend school on a regular basis, But the National Coalition for the Homeless estimates that there are at least two times as many homcless children, and that less than half of them attend school regularly.

One part of the homeless population that is particularly difcult to count consists of the "throwaway" youths who have been cast of their homes. The Elementary School Center in New York City estimates that there are 1 .5 million of them, many of whom are not counted as children because they do not stay in family shelters and tend to live by themselves on the streets.

Federal law, the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987, includes a section that addresses the educational needs of homeless children. The educational provisions of the McKinney Act are based on the belief that all homeless children have the right to a free, appropriate education.

16. It is implied in the first paragraph that______

A. the writer himself is homeless, even in his eighties

B. many older homeless residents are going on strike in 25 cities

C. there is a serious shortage of academic facilities (設(shè)施).

D. homeless children are denied the opportunity of receiving free education


推理判斷題,根據(jù)第一段Many homeless children gather in inner cities; this transient (變化無常的) and frequently frightened student population creates additional problems- both legal and educational- for already overburdened (負(fù)擔(dān)過重的) urban school administrators and teachers可知,在教育設(shè)施方面還存在很大的缺口,故選C。

17. The National Coalition for the homeless believes that the number of homeless children is_________.






細(xì)節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)第二段there are 220,000 homeless school-age children, about a third of whom do not attend school on a regular basis, But the National Coalition for the Homeless estimates that there are at least two times as many homeless children,可知,無家可歸的孩子是無家可歸的學(xué)齡兒童的2倍,故選C。

18. One part of the homeless population is difficult to estimate. The reason might well be________.

A. the homeless children are too young to be counted as children

B. the homeless population is growing rapidly

C. the homeless children usually stay outside school

D. some homeless children are deserted by their families


細(xì)節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)第三段One part of the homeless population that is particularly difficult to count consists of the "throwaway" youths who have been cast of their homes可知,由于很多孩子被父母丟棄而無法統(tǒng)計,故選D。

19. The McKinney Act is mentioned in this passage in order to show that_____.

A. the educational problems of homeless children are being recognized

B. the estimates on homeless children are hard to determine

C. the address of grade-school children should be located

D. all homeless people are entitled (有權(quán)利的) to free education


段落主旨題,根據(jù)The educational provisions of the McKinney Act are based on the belief that all homeless children have the right to a free, appropriate education可知,這一現(xiàn)象已經(jīng)收到關(guān)注,故選A。

20. The passage mainly deals with_______.

A. the legal problems of the homeless children

B. the educational problems of homeless children

C. the social status of older males

D. estimates on the homeless population


根據(jù)Federal law, the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987, includes a section that addresses the educational needs of homeless children. The educational provisions of the McKinney Act are based on the belief that all homeless children have the right to a free, appropriate education.可知,無家可歸兒童的教育問題正在得到承認(rèn),故選B。


假定你在家舉辦了-場朋友聚會,請根據(jù)以下提示,以主人的身份寫一 篇聚會結(jié)束前的演講詞。






Dear friends,

Hello! I am Li Hua, the host of this party. It is my great honor to give you a speech. The purpose of this speech is that I want to express my thanks to you.

I want to talk about it in three aspects. The first thing I want to say is that there are delicious food, such as meat and wine. What's more, many friends and foreign guests George and his wife come here to take part in my party . Last but not least, I want to express my thanks to you again.

So that is what I want to say. I am looking forward to your coming next time.


Li Hua



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