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普通專升本 責任編輯:管理員 2021-12-20



Passage Three

Researchers have used very small electronic devices to make jllfish (水母) stronger and faster. The scientists say they used these electronic jelly fish in the hopes of sending them to study and explore the world's seas.

A report on the experiment was published in the magazine Science Advances. The study shows jllyfish are unusual living things. They move through seawater by reducing the size of their muscles. For the experiment, the researchers put an electronic device, about 2 centimeters in length, inside a moon jelly fish, a common kind of jelly fish.

The researchers said the device caused jellyfish to move their bodies more often. They swam around three times faster than usual. Jelly fish are known to produce something from time to time when they are feeling stressed. No such action appeared during the study. "Care is taken to the jellyfish, " Dabiri explained. "The jellyfish swam the same when the electronic device was taken away after the experiment, " the researchers said

"It's very unusual and modern. It seems to happen only in the future. " said Xu, an engineer at Stanford University. "We could send these jellyfish to different areas of the sea to get signs of climate change or have a close watch on nature. "“One of the first purposes will be going deep, " added Dabiri. "Going deep is important because humans need to understand the deep seas.”

"Generally, we'd put these jllyfish at the surface, have them sw im down to increasing depths, and make them back to the surface with data. Before that the electronic devices help us see just how far we can get them to go down into the sea," Xu said.

"Jelly fish have lived on earth for over 500 million years, and over that time, their bodies have nearly remained unchanged," said Xu. "So it's interesting to find out what makes them so special in the sca and how we can learm from them. " Xu added, "We use animals with natural sw imming abilitics instcad of submarines ( 潛水艇) which might harm the env ironment. "

11. What happened to a jelly fish during the experiment?

A. It reduced its muscle size and swam faster.

B. It swam around four times faster than usual.

C. It felt stressed and sometimes produced things.

D. It swam more slowly with the electronic device.

12. The purpose of the experiment is to

A. get natural signs and study the sea surface

B. make the jellyfish much stronger and faster

C. study the deep sea and learm more about nature

D. go deep into the sea and find other living things

13. Which of the following is the correct order of the experiment?

A. Make the jellyfish back w ith data.

B. Put the jellyfish at the surface.

C. Make the jellyfish swim down.

D. Put electronic devices on jellyfish.

A. b-d-a-c

B. d-b-c-a

C. b-c-d-a

D. d-a-b-c .

14. Scientists used jllyfish in the experiment because jllyfish

A. are special and not bad for environment

B. have already lived on carth for a long time

C. help us protect env ironment like submarines

D. can move faster and become larger in the sca

15. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Researchers find new ways to protect nature.

B. Jellyfish become faster with electronic devices.

C. Scientists use jllfish to explore the deep seas.

D. Jllyfish are important in protecting enviropment.

II. Vocabulary and Structure (本題共25小題,每題1分,共25分)

Directions: For each of the follow ing sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

16.- There is X-ray machine in the hall.

-Well, it is used to check if people take dangerous things with them.

A.a B. an C. the D. one

17. The scarf silk soft and comfortable.

A. made from; feel

B. made of, feels

C. is made of; feels

D. made up of; feel

18. Hainan is famous its beautiful beaches. It is famous an interational island.

A. for; as

B. as; for

C. as; as

D. for; for

19.一Do you mind my the window?

It is really cold outside.

A. close; No, not at all

B. closing; Yes, please

C. close; Yes, please

D. closing; No, not at all

20. The virus may destroy and some files in your computers will disappear.

A. mouse B. key board C. programs D. screen

21. will I receive the T-shirt, Madam? In two or three days, boy.

A. How long

B. How soon

C. How many

D. How far

22. I strongly believe that my dream will come true even though many people laugh at me.

A. some day

B. some days

C. every day

D. a day

23. The stories in this film are in that one.

A. same as those

B. different from those

C. similar to that

D. like that

24. Alice some good advice, and she gladly Miss Green's.

A. gave; accepted

B. gave; was received

C. was given; received

D. was given; accepted

25. I think wiser to choose public transport than to drive cars.

A. this B. that C. it D. thatis,

26. Cao Yuan, a young Chinese scientist, has the world with his papers published in Nature, a world-famous science magazine.

A. supposed B. surprised C. suceeded  D. suggested

27.- People should still keep a social distance these days

一Yes. A large number of masks in the following months,

A. needed

B. are needed

C. were needed

D. will be needed

28.- Have you heard that our neighborhood is going to carry out garbage-sorting? 

 Yes, I can't support it more. it may be hard for us to change our long term habits, it's time for us to do something for a better eny ironment.

A. Though B. Because C. Unless D. If

29. People used to think that wearing masks was only necessary for special groups of people such as medical workers, but now they are coming to realize that it can provide from virus and sickness.

A. preparation B. presentation C. pollution D. protection

30. The police a careful search of the block, but failed to find the suspect.

A. put out

B. turned out

C. came out

D. carried out

31. - Mom, I want to try out for the school basketball team, but my friends think I'm too short for it. What should I do?

-Dear, just do what you love. Don't give up and success will come.

A. hardly B. naturally C. completely D. closely

32. Dr. Zhong Nanshan once said, "To prevent the spread of this disease, we never be too careful.

A. can B. may C. must D. should

33. My cousin didn't become an actor on his father's advice._____ he decided to go to a medical university.

A. Instead . B. Otherwise C. However D. Moreover

34.- -The local living conditions have improved a lot China set up the city of Sansha.

-And more and more people would like to go there for business.

A. before B. when C. since D. after

35.一There're many people at the square that it's hard to find you.

一Yes, the square is always flld people.

A. so; with

B. so; of

C. such; with

D. such; of

36. In the last ten months, September Miracle in CCTV for more than five times and is popular all over the country,

A. has played the piano

B. has given out their song disks

C. has written songs

D. has performed

37. About of all sorts of scaweed are animals.

A. two fifh

B. two five

C. two fifths

D. Iwo fives

38. It was in this very room they decided to vote for the President.

A. where

B. which


D. that

39. He has to spend money on medicine.

A. a great deal of

B. a few

C. a large number of

D. a good many

40. You can't imagine the effect ; computer games on the children.

A. which, make .

B. that, have

C. I, get

D. where, give




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