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普通專升本 責任編輯:管理員 2021-12-07





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I Vocabulary & Structure (10 points with each of 1 point)Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence.

1. Each of the students____responsible for finishing the project in time.

A. has .

B. have

C. are

D. is

2. Suddenly____ fire broke out in the storeroom and all the foods in it were soon on____ fire.


B. the;/

C. a;/

D. /; the

3. The world's natural ____are declining and it may result in a crisis

A. resources

B. sources

C. materials

D. things

4. Two ____defeats of this professional team have brought fresh criticism.

A. successful

B. successive

C. success

D. sucessfully

5. The policy ____made, the next step was how to cary it out.

A. being

B. had been

C. was

D. having been

6. David is one of those people who____ trouble making their minds.

A. has .

B. had

C. having

D. have

7. --“Did you hear of his death?"

“Yes. If he____in time, he____.“

A. had been operated on, might not die

B. had been operated on, might not have died

C. were operated on, might not die

D. were operated on, might not have died

8. The new secretary has witten a remarkably____ report only in a few papers but with all the ncessary details.

A. compact

B. impact

C. brisk

D. concise

9. The band is going to give____ performance next week.

A. a live

B. an alive

C. a living

D. a life

10. When Peterson was away on business, his neighbor gave his wife__with the housework.

A. an aim

B. a help

C. a hand

D. a lift

II. Reading Comprehension (20 points with each of 2 points)

Directions: There are four reading passages in this part. Each pasage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers markedA, B, C and D. Choose the

best answer:

Passage 1

It is interesting to reflect how we judge people by the clothes they wear. Long hairp and patched blue jeans? A student, we say to ourselves instantly, is not living at home either, or he wouldn't be going about with those holes in his jeans. A graceful lady in a cloe-fifting dress, carefully cut nails and earrings? Must be a foreigner, we think, Englishwomen of that age don't dress so smartly, and she probably has money too, those shoes weren't bought in a chain store. And that man walking along the pavement over there? Well-tailored suit, hat just at the right angle----- a businessman, of course, and undoubtedly English. Why English? Well, it's raining, isn't it?Only Englishman would carry his treasured umbrella, still perfectly rolled in the rain.

I once read of a joumalist who went into an extremely expensive department store, dressed in her shabby clothes. She was eyed with suspicion as she examined the goods on display. When she finally decided on a small purchase, she said she had forgotten to bring enough money with her and could she pay by cheque? The assistant politely told her that cheques were not accepted for goods of 2 or under. The next day she went back, dressed to kill, smelling of expensive perfume.She selected an even cheaper article, told the same story and her cheque was accepted without question. It only goes to show how easily we impressed by clothes. I wonder if Stone Age Man selected his woman by the quality of the bearskin she was wearing.

11. Why do we suppose that the“student" in jeans is not living at home? Because his____

A. clothes are uncared for

B. clothes are badly mended

C. jeans need mending

D. hair needs cutting

12. The graceful lady described in the passage appears to be rich because____.

A. her dress fits her perfectly

B. she isn't dressed like an Englishwoman

C. she takes care of her nails

D. her shoes are of good quality

13. The writer suggests that Englishmen____

A. pay no attention to rain

B. never go out without carrying their umbrellas

C. take great care of their umbrellas

D. are too proud to unroll their umbrellas

14. When the joumnalist was not dressed in smart clothes, the shop assistant

A. unwillingly accepted her cheque

B. said the goods were not for sale

C. would only accept cash

D. refused to sell her anything

15. The second time the joumalist visited the store, the thing she bought

A. just over two pounds

B. less than two pounds

C. exactly two pounds

D. less than she thought

Passage 2

French daily life is dominated by the working week. People will be up around 7a. m. to get the children to school and to commute to work, which starts at 9 a. m. The French day begins with coffee (often with milk), served in a bowl, not in a cup, with bread, butter and jam, or a biscotti or toast. School starts at 8:30 a. m. and finishes around 4:30 p. m. Lunch may be eaten at school, in the school cafeteria.

Although the tradition is diminishing in big cities, the two-hour lunch is still important and 12:30 to2 or 2:30 p. m. is a dead period. The working day usually ends at 6 p. m, but may extend to 7 or even 8 p. m. to compensate - - -suboway, work, and sleep is how they used to describe it.Shopping is an important part of the French day. The French like to buy small quantities of fresh food often, as well as buying basics and food for the freezer at the supermarket.Evenings are spent at home eating, watching TV, or preparing homework for the following day. The evening meal is eaten around 7or8 p. m.

It is during weekends that routine changes. The French admire hard work but not workaholics.Weekends are for relaxing, seeing friends, playing sport, eating and drinking, or just hanging out.Whoever is up first in the moming goes out to buy freshly baked bread and croissants for breakfast. Lunch is leisurely affair, often with extended family members, preceded by an aperitif

and a long meal followed by digestifis (brandy and liqueurs) and coffee.

For people who are fashion- conscious, it is interesting that the French dress quite casually.

The trick is quality and style. Correctness of dress for the occasion is less important than the style

of clothes and the quality of the material and accessories. Despite having some of the best-known

fashion logos in the world, the French are not obsessed by labels, but appearance is important.

16. A French working day usually begins at____ in the morning and ends at____ in the evening.

A.7a. m,6p. m.

B.9a. m., 6p. m.

C.8:20a. m, 4:30 p. m.

D.9a. m, 7or8p. m,

17. According to the passage, the French day lunch____

A. usually lasts two hours or so

B. is not as important as before

C. is a leisurely affair

D. is often had with family member

18. French people usually have____ to begin a day.

A. fresh baked bread and croissants

B. a cup of coffee

C. a bow of milk

D. butter, jam or a biscotti or toast.

19. French people usually spend weekends in the following way EXCEPT____

A. playing sport

B. eating and drinking

C. preparing a big lunch

D. seeing friends or just hanging out

20. W hat can we infer from the passage?

A. French people are obsessed with famous brands as they are fashion- conscious.

B. French people dress very carefully to suit occasions.

C. To French people, the style and the material of clothes are more important than appropriacy.

D. French people are proud of their best-known fashion logos in the world.


II. Writing (20 points)

說明:假定你是李平,你在中心公園見到一個錢包,里面有一.些現(xiàn)金,還有一張名片,上面有姓名Mr. Hardin,電話,E-mail 等。請給Mr. Hardin寫封郵件。內(nèi)容包括:







From: Li Ping

To: Mr. Hardin

Subject: Your lost wallet found

Dear Mr. Hardin,



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