違法信息舉報 客服熱線:400-118-7898


普通專升本 責任編輯:管理員 2021-12-02



Part III Translation ( 30 marks, 30 minutes )

Section A From Chinese to English (15 marks: 3 marks for each item )

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets.

Please write your translation on Answer Sheet.

61.Only when I started working in an international trade company, did I realize (掌握一門外語有多么重要)

62. (就利潤而言),this corporation ranks the first in 2012.

63. The activist say that nobody can (剝奪孩子們受教育的權利)。

64. The fact that he changed the idea (使教授很生氣)?

65. Mary was bom and brought up in America, but she speaks Chinese very fluently (好像女生就是個土生土長的中國人似的)。

Section B From English to Chinese (15 marks: 3 marks for each item )

Directions: Translate into Chinese the underlined sentences in the following passage. Write your translation on Answer Sheet.

66)There is nothing new about people cutting down trees. In ancient times, Greece, Italy, and Great Britain were covered with forests. Over the centuries those forests were gradually cut back, until now almost nothing is left.

Today, however, trees are being cut down far more rapidly. Each year, about 42 million acres of forest are cut down. While there are important reasons for cutting down tress, there are also dangerous consequences for life on earth.

A major cause of the present destruction(破壞)is the worldwide demand fbr wood. 67) In industrialized countries, people are using more and more wood fbr paper, fiirniture, and houses. There is not enough wood in these countries to satisfy the demand. Wood companies, therefore, have begun taking wood from the forests of Asia, Africa and even Siberia.

Wood is also in great demand as firewood in developing countries. 68) In many areas, people depend on wood to cook their food. As the population grows, the need for wood grows, too. But when too many tress are cut at once, forests are destroyed. A future source of wood is destroyed as well. When some trees in a forest are left standing, the forest can grow back. But only if it is not cut again fbr at least 100 years. In reality, it usually has no chance to grow back. Small farmers who are desperate fbr land move in. They cut down the rest of the trees and bum them. In this way, many millions of acres of forest are destroyed every year.

69) The destruction of fbrests affects first the people who used to live there. However, it also has other effects far away. For example, on the mountainsides, trees help to absorb heavy rains. When the trees are cut down, the rain pours all at once into the rivers and there are terrible floods downstream.

70) But finally, the lose of fbrests may have an effect oe the climate of our planet. Together with increasing pollution, it could cause temperatures to rise and the climate to change around the world. No one knows exactly what effects this would have on our lives. For many people, however, the effects would probably be destructive.

66. There is nothing new about people cutting down trees.

67. In industrial countries, people are using more and more wood for paper, furniture, and houses.

68. In many area, people depend on wood to cook their food.

69. The destruction of forests affects first the people who used to live there.

70. But finally, the loss of forests may have an effect on the climate of our planet.

Part IV Writing (30 marks, 30 minutes )

71. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title Why did I stop Driving the Car? You should write about 120 words following the Chinese outline given below. Please Write your translation on Answer Sheet.

1. 城市里越來越多的人以車代步;

2. 而我決定不再開車,其原因是

3. 結論或者建議。



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