以下是希賽網(wǎng)教師資格頻道為廣大考生整理的2019年上半年教師資格證中學(xué)教育知識(shí)與能力真題及答案,只有通過多做真題才能更好的把握考試出題的規(guī)律,才能找到做題的感覺,到了真正上考場(chǎng)的時(shí)候才不會(huì)慌 ??纯催@些真題大家會(huì)不會(huì)做呢!
1、The main difference between /f/ and /v/ lies in ( ).
A、the manner of articulation
B、the place of articulation
D、sound duration
2、Which of the following involves a sound deletion?
3、In the economic ( )established recently, more progress has been made by the European countries in harmonizing their countries.
4、Smoking heavily at home will expose children to ( )their health.
5、Which of the following pairs of words are gradable antonyms?
A、Buy and sell.
B、Big and small.
C、Male and female.
D、Red and green.
6、Naturally, she ( )that once there was a new film everybody would be eager to go and see it.
A、had assumed
C、has assumed
D、was assuming
7、If he had fought in the First World War, he might have returned ( ).
A、a different man
B、with a different man
C、as a different man
D、to be a different man
8、In fact, they would rather have left for London ( )in Birmingham.
A、to stay
B、in order to stay
C、than have stayed
D、instead of having stayed
9、What kind of speech act is performed in utterance “Come round on Saturday” when it is said as an invitation rather than a demand?
A、Direct speech act.
B、Locutionary act.
C、Indirect speech act.
D、Perlocutionary act.
10、By asking the question,“Can you list your favorite food in English?” , the teacher is using the technique of ( ).
11、If a teacher wants to check how much students have learned at the end of a term, he/she would give them a(n) ( ).
A、diagnostic test
B、placement test
C、proficiency test
D、achievement test
12、What learning style does Xiao Li exhibit if she tries to understand every single word when listening to a passage?
B、Intolerance of Ambiguity.
13、If a teacher asks students to put jumbled sentences in order in a reading class, he/she intends to develop their ability of ( ).
A、word-guessing through context
B、summarizing the main idea
C、understanding textual coherence
D、scanning for detailed information
14、When a teacher says “What do you mean by that?” ,he/she is asking the student for ( ).
15、When a teacher says u “You 'd better talk in a more polite way when speaking to the elderly.”,he/she is drawing the students’ attention to the ( )of language use.
16、Which of the following is a display question?
A、What part of speech is “immense” ?
B、How would you comment on this report?
C、Why do you think Hemingway is a good writer?
D、What do you think of the characters in this novel?
17、Which of the following represents a contextualized way of practising “How often ...” ?
A、Make some sentences with“how often”.
B、Use“how often”and the words given to make a sentence.
C、I go shopping twice a week. How often do you go shopping?
D、Please change the statement into a question with “how often”.
18、Which of the following are controlled activities in an English class?
A、Reporting, role-play and games.
B、Reading aloud, dictation and translation.
C、Role-play, problem solving and discussion.
D、Information exchange, narration and interview.
19、The ( )is designed according to the morphological and syntactic aspects of a language.
A、structural syllabus
B、situational syllabus
C、skill-based syllabus
D、content-based syllabus
20、The number of Americans who read books has been declining for thirty years, and those who do read have become proud of, even a bit over-identified with, the enterprise. Alongside the tote bags you can find T-shirts, magnets, and buttons printed or sewn with covers of classic novels; the Web site Etsy sells tights printed with poems by Emily Dickinson. A spread in The Paris Review featured literature-inspired paint-chip colors. The merchandising of reading has a curiously undifferentiated flavor, as if what you read mattered less than that you read. In this climate of embattled bibliophilia, a new subgenre of books about books has emerged, a mix of literary criticism, autobiography, self-help, and immersion journalism: authors undertake reading stunts to prove that reading—anything—still matters.
“I thought of my adventure as Off-Road or Extreme Reading,” Phyllis Rose writes in “The Shelf: From LEQ to LES,” the latest stunt book, in which she reads through a more or less random shelf of library books. She compares her voyage, to Ernest Shackleton’s explorations in the Antarctic. “However, I like to sleep under a quilt with my head on a goose down pillow,” she writes. “So I would read my way into the unknown一into the pathless wastes, into thin air, with no reviews, no best-seller lists, no college curricula, no National Book Awards or Pulitzer Prizes, no ads, no publicity, not even word of mouth to guide me.”
She is not the first writer to set off on armchair expedition. A. J. Jacobs, a self-described “human guinea pig,”spent a year reading the encyclopedia for“The Know-It-All: One Man’s Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World”(2004). Ammon Shea read all of the Oxford English Dictionary for his book “Reading the OED: One Man, One Year, 21, 730 Pages”(2008). In “The Whole Five Feet”(2010), Christopher Beha made his way through the Harvard Classics during a year in which he suffered serious illness and had a death in the family. In “Howard’s End Is on the Landing”(2010), Susan Hill limited herself to reading only the books that she already owned. Such “extreme reading” requires special personal traits: perseverance, stamina, a craving for self- improvement, and obstinacy.
Rose fits the bill. A retired English professor, she is the author of popular biographies of Virginia Woolf and Josephine Baker, as well as “The Year of Reading Proust” (1997), a memoir of her family life and the manners and mores of the Key West literary scene. Her best book is “Parallel Lives” (1983), a group biography of five Victorian marriages. (It is filled with marvellous details and set pieces, like the one in which John Ruskin, reared on hairless sculptures of female nudes, defers consummating his marriage to Effie Gray for so long that she sues for divorce.) Rose is consistently generous, knowledgeable, and chatty, with a knock for connecting specific incidents to large social trends. Unlike many biblio-memoirists, she loves network television and is un-nostalgic about print; in “The Shelf’ she says that she prefers her e-reader to certain moldy paperbacks.
The way most of us choose our reading today is simple. Someone posts a link, and we click on it. We set out to buy one book, and Amazon suggests that we might like another. Friends and retailers know our preferences, and urge recommendations on us. The bookstore and the library could assist you, too—the people who work there may even know you and track your habits—but they are organized in an impersonal way. Shelves and open stacks offer not only immediate access to books but strange juxtapositions. Arbitrary classification breeds surprises—Nikolai Gogol next to William Golding, Clarice Lispector next to Penelope Lively. The alphabet has no rationale, agenda, or preference.
What can be inferred from Paragraph 1 about the author’s opinion on reading?
Why does Phyllis Rose compare her reading to Ernest Shackleton’s explorations in the Antarctic?
Which of the following is closest in meaning to underlined phrase “human guinea pig”in Paragraph 3?
Why is Rose considered a good instance to manifest “extreme reading”?
In what sense is the arbitrary classification of books considered to be impersonal?
A、What really matters is the fact that you read.
B、An emphasis should be placed on what you read.?
C、The merchandising of reading can boost book sales.
D、Reading as a serious undertaking should not be merchandised.
A、To emphasize the adventurous and stirring experience of reading.
B、To emphasize the role of reading in broadening people’s horizon.
C、To emphasize the amusement in reading without specific guidance.
D、To emphasize the challenges in reading books of varying categories.
A、A person used in experiments.
B、An uneducated person.
C、A lazy person.
D、A vulnerable person.
A、People’s interest in reading needs to be inspired.
B、Most people do not know what they should read.
C、She knows how to relieve her mental suffering via reading.
D、She has special personal traits needed for “extreme reading”.
A、It brings about surprises.
B、It fails to track readers’ habits.
C、It ignores the content of books.
D、It fails to consider reader’s preferences.
21、If you have got kids, here is a nasty truth: they are probably not very special, that is, they are average, ordinary, and unremarkable. Consider the numbers of those applications your daughter is sending to Ivy League schools, for instance. There are more than a quarter of a million other kids aiming for the same eight colleges at the same time, and less than 9% of them will make the cut. And those hours you spend coaching Little League because you just know your son’s sweet swing will take him to the professionals. There are 2.4 million other Little Leaguers out there, and there are exactly 750 openings for major league ballplayers at the beginning of each season. That gives him a 0.0313% chance of reaching the big clubs. The odds are just as long for the other dreams you’ve had for your kids: your child the billionaire, the Broadway star, the Rhodes scholar. Most of those things are never going to happen.
The kids are paying the price for parents’ delusions. In public schools, some students are bringing home 17.5 hours of homework per week or 3.5 per school night and it’s hard to see how they have time to do it. From 2004 to 2014, the number of children participating in up to three hours of after-school activities on any given day rose from 6.5 million to 10.2 million. And all the while, the kids are being fed a promise—that they can be tutored and coached, pushed and tested, hot- housed and advance placed until success is assured.
At last, a growing chorus of educators and psychologists is saying, “Enough!” Somewhere between the self-esteem building of going for the gold and the self esteem crushing of the Ivy-or-die ethos there has to be a place where kids can breathe, where they can have the freedom to do what they love and where parents accustomed to pushing their children to excel can shake off the newly defined shame of having raised an ordinary child.
If the system is going to be fixed, it has to start, no surprise, with the parents. For them, the problem isn’t merely the expense of the tutors, the chore of the homework checking and the constant search for just the right summer program. It’s also the sweat equity that comes from agonizing over every exam, grieving over every disappointing grade—becoming less a guide in a child’s academic career than an intimate fellow traveler.
The first step for parents is accepting that they have less control over their children’s education than they think they do—a reality that can be both sobering and liberating. You can sign your kids up for ballet camp or violin immersion all you want, but if they’re simply doing what they’re told instead of doing what they love, they’ll take it only so far.
Ultimately, there’s a much larger national conversation that needs to be had about just what higher education means and when it’s needed at all. Four years of college has been sold as being a golden ticket in the American economy, and to an extent that’s true.
But pushing all kids down the bachelor’s path ensures not only that some of them will lose their way but also that critical jobs that require a two-year or less—skilled trades, some kinds of nursing, computer technology, airline mechanics and more—will go unfilled.
There will never be a case to be made for a culture of academic complacency or the demolition of the meritocracy. It can be fulfilling for kids to chase a ribbon, as long as it’s a ribbon the child really wants. And the very act of making that effort can bring out the best in anyone’s work.
But we cheat ourselves, and worse, we cheat our kids, if we view life as a single straight-line race in which one one-hundredth of the competitors finish in the money and everyone else loses. We will all be better off if we recognize that there are a great many races of varying lengths and outcomes. The challenge for parents is to help their children find the one that’s right for them.
Which of the following factors deprives the kids of freedom to do what they love?
What are parents supposed to do to alter the current educational system?
According to the author, which of the following perceptions should parents adopt concerning their kids’ education?
What does the underlined word “one” in the last paragraph refer to?
A、3.5 hours of school assignments set by their teachers every day.
B、The educational reforms made by the public schools they attend.
C、The growing number of peers taking part in off-campus activities.
D、Their parents’ unrealistic wish for them to have a promising future.
A、To pay for their kids’ education.
B、To take up all the household chores.?
C、To provide guidance to their children.
D、To push their children to excel at exams.
A、They should be their kids’ companions on their journey to academic excellence.
B、They should realize the fact that most children would remain mediocre despite their wills.
C、They should feel relieved if they don’t have to pay for their kid’s off-school art lessons.
D、They should be their kids’ career director rather than help them find a right path to walk on.
PPT是英語教師常用的一種教學(xué)輔助工具,請(qǐng)簡述PPT在語言教學(xué)中的兩個(gè)優(yōu)點(diǎn)(6分), 列舉英語課堂教學(xué)中使用PPT常見的兩個(gè)問題(6分),并提出合理使用PPT的兩條建議(8分)。
(1)該教師所采用的評(píng)價(jià)屬于什么類型?( 6分)
(3)該教師可以從哪三個(gè)方面對(duì)此評(píng)價(jià)表進(jìn)行改進(jìn)?( 12分)
●teaching objectives
●teaching contents
●key and difficult points
●major steps and time allocation
●activities and justifications
The Life of Mark Twain
Often the lives of writers resemble the lives of the characters they create. Mark Twain, who wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, was no exception. To start with, the author’s name, Mark Twain, is itself an invention, or “pen name”. Twain’s real name was Samuel Clemens. “Mark Twain”,which means “watermark two”,was a call used by sailors on the Mississippi to warn shipmates that they were coming into shallow water.
Like Huck, Mark Twain led an adventurous life. He left school early, and as an adolescent, determined to make his fortune in South America, set off from his home in Hannibal, Missouri, for New Orleans. He wanted to take a boat to the Amazon, where he thought he could get rich quickly. He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find that there were no boats for South America. Forced to change his plans, he worked for several years as a pilot on a steamboat, taking passengers up and down the Mississippi, the great river which flows from the north of the US near the Canadian border, down to the Gulf of Mexico.
Later he became a journalist and began writing stories about life on the river. Twain’s vivid and often amusing descriptions of life on the river quickly became popular, and established the reputation he still enjoys today as one of America’s greatest writers.