本期主題:World Ahead 2023: More hot air
出處:The Economist《經(jīng)濟學(xué)人》
字?jǐn)?shù):721 words
[1] What to expect from the global climate, and from climate diplomacy, in the coming year.
[2] Recent months and years have been scarred by a series of extreme weather events on all continents, which have brought home the consequences of the build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. More such events will occur in 2023. With average global temperatures now 1.1-1.3°C above pre-industrial levels, many floods, droughts, wildfires and heat-waves will be made worse or more likely (or both) by climate change.
diplomacy /d??pl??m?si/ n. 外交
drought /dra?t/ n.干旱
[3] But although climate change is steadily raising average temperatures, natural sources of climate variability are also superimposed on that trend. One of the most powerful is the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which causes the climate around the tropics to oscillate between two states, known as El Ni?o and La Ni?a. Roughly speaking, El Ni?o causes more rainfall in the central and eastern Pacific and droughts in Australasia, while La Ni?a is associated with droughts in east Africa, and more rainfall in west Africa and South Asia.
variability /?ve?ri??b?l?ti/ n. 可變性;易變性
superimpose /?su?p?r?m?p??z/ v. 使疊加
oscillate /??s?le?t/v. 擺動
[4] Unusually, the current La Ni?a, which began in September 2020, in now in its third year—the first time this century that such a “triple dip” has occurred. Seasonal forecasts show a very strong likelihood that the rains will fail in east Africa towards the end of 2022, causing the drought and food scarcity in the region to deepen in 2023.
likelihood /?la?klih?d/ n. 可能性
[5] Whether and how ENSO cycles are affected by climate change is an area of active research, but what is clear is that the cycles sit on top of the overall warming trend, and that La Ni?a years tend to be slightly cooler than average. If the current cycle is succeeded in 2023 by a neutral period, global average temperatures are likely to rise slightly. If it is followed by an El Ni?o, which turns the thermostat up, then global average temperatures will be nudged closer to the totemic 1.5°C target of the UN Paris agreement. That could lead to even more devastating extreme-weather events than those seen in recent years.
thermostat /?θ??m?st?t/ n. 恒溫器
nudge /n?d?/ v. (用肘)輕推,輕觸;(朝某方向)輕推,漸漸推動
devastating /?dev?ste?t??/ adj. 破壞性極強的
Whether and how ENSO cycles are affected by climate change is an area of active research, but what is clear is that the cycles sit on top of the overall warming trend, and that La Ni?a years tend to be slightly cooler than average.
主句:Whether and how… is an area of active research, but what is clear is that…
主語從句1:Whether and how ENSO cycles are affected by climate change
主語從句2:what is clear
表語從句1:that the cycles sit on top of the overall warming trend
表語從句2:that La Ni?a years tend to be slightly cooler than average
[6] Curbing these devastating and costly events, and stabilising the climate by reducing global emissions, are the objectives of international climate negotiations, the latest round of which were held in the Egyptian resort of Sharm El-Sheikh in November 2022. The COP27 meeting came at a low point for climate diplomacy, at the end of a year overshadowed by the war in Ukraine and the related energy and food crises. Climate politics, which have often been treated somewhat separately from other geopolitical issues, were suddenly no longer isolated. Prioritising short-term energy security over longer-term emissions cuts has led to greater use of coal, for example.
curb /k??b/v. 控制;抑制
stabilize (stablise) /?ste?b?la?z/ v. (使)穩(wěn)定,穩(wěn)固
overshadow /???v????d??/v. 給……蒙上陰影;使黯然失色
geopolitical /?d?i???p??l?t?k?l/ adj. 地緣政治學(xué)的
prioritize (prioritise) /pra???r?ta?z/ v. 按重要性排列;優(yōu)先處理
[7]“The war has exploded tensionsthat were pre-existing,” says Laurence Tubiana, head of the European Climate Foundation, a lobby group. She says the war has “deconstructed” previous agreements that had survived political and military spats.
【游說團(tuán)體歐洲氣候基金會(European Climate Foundation)負(fù)責(zé)人勞倫斯·圖比亞納(Laurence Tubiana)表示:“這場戰(zhàn)爭引爆了原本就存在的緊張局勢。”她說,這場戰(zhàn)爭“解構(gòu)”了之前在政治和軍事沖突中幸存下來的協(xié)議?!?br/>
tension /?ten?n/n. 緊張局勢或關(guān)系
deconstruct /?di?k?n?str?kt/ v. 解構(gòu)
spat /sp?t/n. 小爭吵;口角
[8] The next round of talks, in November 2023, will take place in the United Arab Emirates. It is a controversial setting. The UAE’s climate envoy, Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber, is a government minister who also heads the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, the UAE’s state-owned oil producer. He has spoken publicly and privately about his belief that oil and gas will continue to play a role in a net-zero carbon economy, and that oil and gas companies must be “active partners” in the global energy transformation. Expect a big argument about whether he is right.
【下一輪會談將于2023年11月在阿拉伯聯(lián)合酋長國舉行。這是一個有爭議的環(huán)境。阿聯(lián)酋氣候特使蘇爾坦·本·艾哈邁德·賈貝爾(Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber)是一位政府部長,同時也是阿聯(lián)酋國有石油生產(chǎn)商阿布扎比國家石油公司(Abu Dhabi National Oil Company)的負(fù)責(zé)人。他曾公開和私下談?wù)撨^自己的信念,即石油和天然氣將繼續(xù)在凈零碳經(jīng)濟中發(fā)揮作用,石油和天然公司必須成為全球能源轉(zhuǎn)型的“積極合作伙伴”。預(yù)計會有一場關(guān)于他是否正確的大辯論?!?br/>
controversial /?k?ntr??v???l/ adj. 引起爭論的;有爭議的
envoy /?env??/ n. (談判的)代表
transformation /?tr?nsf??me??n/ n. 改觀;改革
[9]On the one hand, it seems likely that some fossilfuels will still be burned in mid-century, even if global net-zero is reached. Electrifyingcars and trains will be relatively simple; decarbonisingaviation and shipping will be harder. Using some fossil fuels, and balancing the resulting emissions with carbon capture elsewhere, may be the least bad option.
fossil /?f?sl/n. 化石
electrify /??lektr?fa?/v. 使電氣化
decarbonize (decarbonise) /?di??kɑ?b?na?z/ v. 脫去……的碳
[10]On the other hand, limiting warming to 1.5-2°C, as set out in the Paris agreement, will require a dramaticreduction in fossil-fuel use, so that oil and gas end up playing only a marginalrole in the global energy sector. The International Energy Agency has called for no new fossil-fuel development in order to meet net-zero targets. The uae’s climate summit will prompt a vigorousdebate about the role of oil companies in the energy transition, and whether they really can be part of the solution, not just part of the problem.
dramatic /dr??m?t?k/ adj. 巨大的;令人吃驚的
marginal /?mɑ?d??nl/ adj. 微不足道的
sector /?sekt?(r)/ n. 部門;領(lǐng)域
vigorous /?v?ɡ?r?s/ adj.充滿活力的
《大西洋月刊》The Atlantic
《經(jīng)濟學(xué)人》The Economist
《國家地理》National Geographic
《紐約時報 》The New York Times
《科學(xué)美國人》Scientific American
《華盛頓郵報》The Wshington Post
《哈佛商業(yè)評論》Harvard Business Review