
考博英語 責(zé)任編輯:楊曼婷 2021-05-26



16. Consumers deprived of the information and advice they needed were quite simply ___________ every cheat in the marketplace. 

A. at the mercy of B. in lieu of

C. by courtesy of D. for the price of 

17. In fact the purchasing power of a single person’s pension in Hong Kong was only 70 per cent of the value of the _________ Singapore pension. 

A. equivalent B. similar 

C. consistent D. identical 

18. He became aware that he had lost his audience since he had not been able to talk ____________. 

A. honestly B. graciously

C. coherently D. flexibly 

19. The novel, which is a work of art, exists not by its _____________ life, but by its immeasurable difference from life. 

A. significance in B. imagination at 

C. resemblance to D. predominance over

20. She was artful and could always ____________ her parents in the end. 

A. shout down B. get round 

C. comply with D. pass over 

PART II CLOZE TEST (15 minutes, 15 points) 

Directions: For each blank in the following passage, choose the best answer from the four choices given in the opposite column. Mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet. 

We are entering a period in which rapid population growth, the presence of deadly weapons, and dwindling resources will bring international tensions to dangerous levels for an extended period. Indeed, 21 seems no reason for these levels of danger to subside unless population equilibrium is 22 and some rough measure of fairness reached in the distribution of wealth among nations. 23 of adequate magnitude imply a willingness to redistribute income internationally on a more generous 24 than the advanced nations have evidenced within their own domains. The required increases in 25 in the backward regions would necessitate gigantic applications of energy merely to extract the 26 resources. 

It is uncertain whether the requisite energy-producing technology exists, and more serious, 27 that its application would bring us to the threshold of an irreversible change in climate 28 a consequence of the enormous addition of manmade heat to the atmosphere. It is this 29 problem that poses the most demanding and difficult of the challenges. The existing 30 of industrial growth, with no allowance for increased industrialization to repair global poverty, hold 31 the risk of entering the danger zone of climatic change in as 32 as three or four generations. If the trajectory is in fact pursued, industrial growth will 33 have to come to an immediate halt, for another generation or two along that 34 would literally consume human, perhaps all life. The terrifying outcome can be postponed only to the extent that the wastage of heat can be reduced, 35 that technologies that do not add to the atmospheric heat burden—for example, the use of solar energy—can be utilized. (1996) 

21. A. one B. it C. this D. there 

22. A. achieved B. succeeded C. produced D. executed 

23. A. Transfers B. Transactions C. Transports D. Transcripts

24. A. extent B. scale C. measure D. range 

25. A. outgrowth B. outcrop C. output D. outcome

26. A. needed B. needy C. needless D. needing 

27. A. possible B. possibly C. probable D. probably 

28. A. in B. with C. as D. to 

29. A. least B. late C. latest D. last 

30. A. race B. pace C. face D. lace 

31. A. on B. up C. down D. out 

32. A. less B. fewer C. many D. little 

33. A. rather B. hardly C. then D. yet 

34. A. line B. move C. drive D. track 

35. A. if B. or C. while D. as 











