Back in 2000, Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's chiefexecutive, described a grand vision for the future of health care. One day,he said, everyone would have a secure and private website on the internet onwhich their doctors could post their “scans, lab results, test results, visitminutes”, and to which the owner could grant certain people access, to viewsome or all of that information. His ideas met with guffaws from theold lags of the industry, who have seen many fancy schemes for electronicmedical records fall flat.America'shealth sector is simply too balkanised and too paper-based to stitchtogether easily in digital form. Even Mr Ballmer conceded back then that he wassearching for the “holy grail” of healthcare.
And yet, after years of frustration and furiousdevelopment work, Microsoft now believes it has realised Mr Ballmer's dream. OnOctober 4th, the software giant was poised to unveil its newhealth-information product at a big event in Washington, DC.It is called the Health Vault, in keeping with Microsoft's promise to makestoring data on the internet just as secure as keeping it in a bank. HealthVault will store all its customers' health data, ranging from test results todoctors' reports to daily measurements of weight or blood pressure, online.Individuals then have access to those records anytime, anywhere, via theinternet—a great boon for those who travel a lot. Medical offices andhospitals who sign up for the service could easily send test results in digitalform to the vault, and patients could authorise them in turn to have access tovarious, carefully circumscribedbits of their personal data.
Microsoft was also set to announce this week thatseveral dozen manufacturers, hospitals and charities have signed up for HealthVault. Big names including the American heart, diabetes and lungassociations, the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, and Omron and TexasInstruments, in addition to various firms devoted to the craze for “wellness”,are all now on board, and are expected to announce products and servicesshortly. If the software giant has really found a hacker-proof way ofstoring records online, then the benefits of Health Vault are clear. But use ofthe vaults will be free both for the individuals that sign up for them and forthe vendors and doctors that provide services based on the information theycontain. So how will Microsoft make any money?
Sean Nolan of Microsoft explains that the businessmodel depends on one thing: targeted search. Microsoft is betting that peoplewill use its Health Vault Search to find out about their ailments. Thisservice relies on an approach known as “vertical search” which attempts toprovide more relevant results than generalist search engines like Google andYahoo! by specialising in a particular field. The firm's recent acquisition ofMedstory, a vertical-search engine focusing on health care, has given it aboost in this area.
HealthVault's search engine would definitely work better than those of rival sites ifit could examine users' health records and past queries, and thus provide theresponses that are most relevant to each individual's situation. But in orderto attract any users in the first place, Microsoft has promised to enforcestrict privacy rules. These would preclude such data-mining.
1. The old lags of the industry did not think highly of Ballmer’s scheme because_____
[A] Ballmer’s scheme sounded too fantastic and far-fetched to be true.
[B] Balmer lacked technology proof to back up his ideas.
[C] They had witnessed too many failures of attempts to realize such schemes.
[D] America’s health sector is too stubborn and is reluctant to change for the digital.
2. Which one of the following statements is NOT true of Health Vault?
[A] Individuals can have access to the medical records of anybody anytime via the internet.
[B] Those who travel a lot will greatly benefit from services of Health Vault.
[C] Hospitals who sign up for the service could improve their efficiency by Health Vault.
[D] Health Vault is a software invented by Microsoft.
3. Microsoft will make money in Health Vault by_____
[A] attracting customers with the enforcement of strict privacy rules.
[B] providing a charging platform for the communication of patients and hospitals.
[C] cooperating with big hospitals and charities by providing useful customer information.
[D] providing highly specialized service with high efficiency.
4. The main problem of Health Vault faces is _____
[A] that it will be difficult for Vault to make profit during the beginning phase.
[B] that the software may be trapped in the dilemma of customer privacy and convenient data search.
[C] that it has to adopt the “vertical search” which is not the company’s strength.
[D] that Microsoft does not have powerful search engines as Google and Yahoo! Do.
5. Compared with Google and Yahoo, the advantage of Health Vault Search is_____
[A] that its technology far advanced that of the other two.
[B] that it is more effective for those who need a special aspect of information.
[C] that it specializes on the information of ailment diagnosis.
[D] that its business model is more promising and profitable.
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. B