Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Among various motives that spur people to perform dangerous activities are money, pleasure, and ironically, nescience.
Perhaps the most direct drive might come from money, which every one would need in this world. People have enough wit to balance their certain choices, especially when they face with danger and money. Those stunt men or women in Hollywood movies, photographers who shoot sharks or crocodiles, or those who participate in stock car racing, are always sophisticated enough to calculate. If they are willing to take the risk, they must have evaluated well. They know exactly the rule: the more risks they take, the more they might get.
There also is another kind of people in this world. Money is of almost no importance to them. They perform dangerous activities just for their own pleasure. Perhaps the most appropriate example is sports. Actually every kind of sports is dangerous, and even can be deadly. Danger always exists, but people tend to simply ignore it. Take parachuting for example, who can refuse the fascination of flying in the sky like a bird? On the other hand, it seems that danger itself makes the activity so fascinating. To conquer is the very nature of human being from the very beginning. Pheidippides said seconds before dropping dead two thousand years ago, "Rejoice, we conquer!" And it seems perfectly logical for some people that celebration follows conquer.
Ironically, sometimes blind brave comes out of nescience. Sometimes people simply don't know the activity is hazardous or how perilous it exactly is. It can be exemplified by a recent incident. Five students (among them three are master degree) lost their lives in a mountaineering expedition. Reporters say those students didn't make an adequate preparation before expedition, which made the tragedy ineluctable. People always praise alpinists with words such as strong, brave, courageous, but in this case none of these words is appropriate. Those young students traded their springtime with blind brave, and died in vain.