
學(xué)位英語 責(zé)任編輯:胡陸 2019-09-06



Part I Vocabulary and Structure (0.5x30=15 points)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding ltter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1. The book ___      be on the desk. It ___ not be  anywhere else.

A. can, may  B. can, must  C. must, can  D. must, may

2. -Your dress is very beautiful.
A. I don't think

B. Please don't say so

C. No, it isn't beautiful

D. Thank you very much

3. A: Would you like to go to the park with me?


A. Ithink I can  B. Yes, I want   C. I'd love to  D. Thank you

4. Mr. Green isn't in his office. Can I leave a ___ to him?

A. news  B. information  C. word  D. message

5.I ___ you for a long time. Where ___  you

A. haven't seen; have; been    B. didn't see; have; gone

C. didn't see; did; go   D. haven't seen; have; gone

6. l________ a letter from her since she left here.

A. didn't receive

B. didn't have

C. haven't got

D. haven't heard

7. We must ____ them ___eveything they need.

A. provide for

B. provide with

C. provide against

D. provide to

8. Step ___ the ladder, but be careful not to fall ___ it.

A. down, onto  B. off, down  C. onto. of  D. onto. down

9. The weather in China is quite different from ___,

A. that in Australia

B. Australia

C. those in Austalia

D. the one in Australia

10. She is not ___ a gentleman like him.

A. worth marrying

B. worthy of marrying

C. worthy of gtting married

D. worthy to marry

1I. It was dificult to ___ this country of depression.

A. inform   B. cure   C. remind  D. warn

12.I'll go with Lin Tao to move the bag of rice ___the road.

A. into  B. away of  C. from on  D. out of

13. He liked to tell funny stories_____ people ___.

A. making; to laugh

B. to make; laugh

C. make; laugh

D. makes; to laugh

14. He wallked ___ fast for us____ catch up with him.
A. so; that   B. such; that  C. enough; to  D. too; to

15. The Yellow River is the second ___ river in China.

A. long  B. longer   C. longest  D. the longest

16. The number of books of this shop ___ large.

A. aren't   B. isn't  C. hasn't  D. haven't

17. He has taught to remember that it was ___to interrupt.

A. polite   B. rude  C. troublesome  D. rough

18. He arived an hour ___of schedule.

A. in advance  B. before  C. ahead  D. in front

19. ___,you have to study.

A. Whether you like it or not

B. However you like it

C. No matter you like it

D. Unless you like it

20. He has sold his house ___ a high price.
A. on   B. in  C. at  D. with

21._____ had I gone out than I heard the sound of thesubway train.

A. As soon as  B. Scarcely  C. No sooner  D. Hardly

22. If only I_____ the answer, I would have told you.

A. knew  B. had known  C. would have known  D. have known

23. It rarely happened that people in the town _____ to the theatre to see the new opera.

A. attended  B. jointed  C. flocked  D. got along

24._____this information, they sat down again to wait.

A. After having to give  B. On giving  C. Afer given  D. Having been given

25. All_____ a few babies leam to walk by the age of two and to talk by the age of there.

A. from   B. only  C. but  D. and

26. Many people like white color as it is a _____ of purity.
A. signal  B. sign   C. signature  D. symbol

27. It is clear that,_____ self- awareness is a heathy quality,overdoing it is harmful.

A.as   B. while  C. when  D. since

28.I don't know why she is looking at me _____ she knew me. I've never seen her before.

A.as  B. although   C. even if   D. as if

29. Mr. White died two years ago and left his wife _____ to support a family with three children.

A. alone  B. lone  C. along  D. lonely

30. Can you tell me _____ the bus stop?

A. where can I get to

B. how canI get to

C. where I can get to

D.how I can get to








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