
高職單招 責任編輯:唐丹平 2020-03-30




1. He likes playing ____ piano but he doesn’t like playing ____ football. 【  】

A. the; the B. /; /

C. /; the D. the; /

2. The harder you study, the ____ English becomes. 【  】

A. easy B. more easy

C. easier D. easiest

3. They ____ in the town since 2000. 【  】

A. live B. have lived

C. lived D. are living

4. It is necessary for you ____ your job. 【  】

A. to change B. changing

C. changed D. change

5. The reason ____ he was sleepy was that he played computer game all night long. 【  】

A. why B. where

C. when D. how

6. ____ much water, the tree would grow better. 【  】

A. Given B. Give

C. Giving D. Gave

7. We study Chinese, English, history and some ____ subjects. 【  】

A. the other B. other

C. others D. the others

8. Great changes ____ in my hometown since I came back. 【  】

A. have been taken place B. has taken place

C. has been taken place D. have taken place

9. We have many women star players, ____ Deng Yaping, Guo Jingjing and so on. 【  】

A. for example B. as

C. such as D. just as

10. If I ____ a bird, I could fly in the sky. 【  】

A. am B. were C. was D. is



Helen Keller lived in the USA. She was a great woman.

When Helen was a baby, she got very sick. After many weeks, the doctor said, “She is better, but now she can’t see and she can’t hear.” Her parents were sad.

After a few years, things got worse. There was no way for Helen Keller to speak to other people. She heard nothing. She saw nothing. She didn’t understand anything.

Then one day a teacher came to live with Helen Keller and her family. The teacher helped Helen learn about words. Helen was a very bright child and soon she learned to spell her first word. When she was older, she went to college.

Helen was very famous. She helped many blind and deaf people. She traveled around the world and helped many people.

Helen was a very old woman when she died. The world remember her today as a brave and wonderful person. She was blind and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear.

11.Helen Keller got very sick when ____. 【  】

A. she was a baby

B. she went to college

C. her teacher came to her home

D. she was very old

12.____ taught Helen Keller her first word. 【  】

A. Her mother

B. Her teacher

C. Her father

D. Her doctor

13.Helen Keller was famous because____ . 【  】

A. she was an American.

B. she traveled around the world.

C. her teacher taught her many things

D. she learned to read and write and helped many people in the world.

14.The world remember Helen Keller today because____ . 【  】

A. she was very bright

B. she was blind and deaf

C. she went to college

D. she was a brave and wonderful person

15.Helen Keller was blind and deaf, but ____. 【  】

A. she found a way to see and hear

B. her father and mother didn’t feel sad

C. she found no way to travel around the world

D. she found out how people became blind and deaf



Everybody needs friends. But how do you find real 16 (友誼) and keep it? Sally Seamans, a famous American writer, said, “Making friends is just like 17 (種植) a tree. You have to plant the seed and take care of it to make it 18 (生長).”

A good friend should be kind and patient. If your friend has a bad time, you should 19 (傾聽) his or her complaints and do your best to help him or her. To make good friends, you cannot be selfish. Good friends should 20 (分享) their happiness and also their troubles.

In fact, when you are in trouble, your friends will 21 (幫助) you; when you are ill, your friends will 22 (照顧) you; when you do something good to others, your friends will give you happy 23 (微笑); when you do something wrong, your friends will help you to correct it; you will make progress with the help of your friends and your friends will congratulate you on your 24 (成功). Friendship is 25 (重要的) to us all.

16. ________________________ 17. ________________________

18. ________________________ 19. ________________________

20. ________________________ 21. ________________________

22. ________________________ 23. ________________________

24. ________________________ 25. ________________________






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