
成人高考 責(zé)任編輯:彭雅倩 2020-03-30





1.(  )


2.(  )


3.(  )


4.(  )


5.(  )


Vocabulary and Strucyure


6.Take your vaccination certificate with you________they ask for it at the airport.

B.in case
D.because of

7. He________an expensive gift on hisbirthday,but he didn’t________it.


8. Don’t forget to turn off the heating before________the house.

C.to leave

9. We should________attention________spelling.


10. He is sitting________of the car with thedriver.

A.in front   
B.in the front
C.on the front

11. They have two teams,and________have a good chance of winning.


12. There’s been a(n)________about theweather.


13. ________fun and good exercise,Car racing is a very useful skill.


14. The child was________for getting hisshoes and socks wet.


15. Is this the________that you are lateagain?


16. No matter how hard be worked,________.

A.he could not do any better
B.and he could not do anybetter
C.so he could not do anybetter
D.but he could not do anybetter

17. Mother has________to sive her a watch other 20 th birthday.


18. The family is too poor to________thethree children________school.


19. Im sure that they will________the game.

C.Success in

20. I much prefer this candidate—thought she was________better than the other one.


三、Cloze(30 points)

The appeal of the world of work is first its freedom.The child is compelled to go to school:he is ___21___ of authority.As he grows up,he sees ___22___  it is to befree of school and to be a—ble to choose his job and change it if he doesn’tlike it.The boys and girls,___23___hehas longobserved,revisit school utterly changed andapparently mature.Suddenly teachers seem as outofdate  ___24___ his parents and theauthority of school a ridiculous thin9.At the momentthe a—dult wodd may appear  ___25___ theschool world that the desire to enter it cannot be satisfied byexercises inschool books.This may not be the  ___26___ but it is a necessary part ofgrowing up,for every man and woman must come sooner orlater to the point of saying“Really,Ive had e—nough ofbeing taught;I must ___27___  ”.some young people come to this decision sooner thanthey ought.Yet  ___28___ a way this isnot a bad frame. of mind to be in leaving school.___29___
work,the young man makes one ofthe first great acceptances of life—he 30 the disciplineof the material or the process he is working with.He sees the point of it and in doing so___31___life.The work process constitutes a reality in some sense superior tothat of school,and this is___32___he so often longs toget to grips with it.Nothing done in school imposes itswill in___33___the same way;if the maths master is illone can get on with something else.But eventhe boydelivering papers,34 the driver taking out his bus,discovers that one cannot put itoff because there is snow on theground,or the foreman(工頭)is easilyannoyed,or he him-self ___35___ that morning.
21.(  )

A.under the thumb
B.below the hands
C.subject to the palm
D.in the fingers

22.22.(  )


23.23.(  )


24.24.(  )


25.25.(  )

A.so much more realthan
B.so much realer than
C.somuch more actual than
D.so far more in fact than

26.26.(  )

A.wiser auitude
B.most wise attitude
C.wiser of attitudes
D.wisest of attitudes

27.27.(  )

A.do a real work
B.make a real job
C.make a proper work
D.do a proper job

28.28.(  )


29.29.(  )


30.30.(  )


31.31.(  )

A.puts himself to agreewith
B.makes terms to
C.goes toall agreement witll
D.comes to terms with

32.32.(  )


33.33.(  )


34.34.(  )

C.similar than
D.thesame tllat

35.35.(  )

A.is in a bad mood
B.has the bad temper
C.has the bad humour
D.has lost his mood

四、Reading Comprehension(60 points)

  A new kind of radar has been developed for spaceship travelers.A working laboratory mod-el of a new system of radar that makes useof a beam of light is said to be ten thousand timesmore accurate than the bestcomparable system of radar that used microwaves.
  The model has shown that this radar system,known as laser—dopplerradar,can measurewith absolute precision speeds varyingfrom spaceship orbital injection(進(jìn)入)velocities(速度)of five miles per second down to virtual stops--speeds of less thanone ten thousandth ofall inch per second.According tothe scientists who are developing this system,such finemeas-ures of velocity are of prime importance in space missions.In a rendezvous(對接)betweentwo spaceships,or in a landing approach by a vehicle onto an orbiting space station,a bumpcould rip open a ship’S skin,or anudge could knock the station out of its orbit.
  The light-beam radar,which operates at afrequency of trillions(百萬兆)of cycles persecond,could easily detect and measure the movement of a vehicle edging upto a satellitespace station.A control system using SOprecise a signal as this would allow a huge vehicle todock at a space stationas lighfly as a feather.
Laser—doppler radar_______.

A.makes use of microwaves
B.measures the movements ofa spaceship by means of light beam
C.makes use of sound waves
D.Both A and B

37.Laser-doppler radar is especiallyvaluable in space missions because__________.

A.it can measure themovement of a spaceship less accurately than a microwave radar
B.it is a new system ofradar
C.it provides precisemeasures of the velocity of space vehicles
D.it is onethousand times more precise than microwave radar

38. Whicn of the following statements is nottrue according to the passage__________.

A.inaccuracies inmeasurement could cause accidents in space missions
B.the speeds of spacevehicles will vary
C.accuracy in speedmeasurement is essential to spaceships
D.a bump could affect thepreciseness of the laser—doppler radar

39. Implied but not stated is that__________.

A.laser—doppler radar ismore accurate than microwave radar
B.microwave radar operatesat a higher frequency than laser—doppler radar
C.the light—beam radar canmeasure only slow speeds with accuracy
D.microwave radar may notensure absolute precision in measuring varying speeds

  It seems that beauty and women are twins.You are joking?N0,I am not.Observe foryourself.Ads on fashion flood TV screens,radioprograms,magazines,newspapers,and thestreets.  Whether they have realized ornot,women are besieged(包圍)by asea of fashion.They are taught to think that withoutbeautiful clothes they will grow old and lose their charm.So who dares to neglect dressing up at the cost of their appearanceand youth?
  But I donot agree with the opinion that women have to show their beauty throughtheirlooks.Therichness of their mind proves to be more beautiful and attractive than theirlooks.Awoman who has experienced many troubles and maybe called“aunt”0r“granny”call still main.tain herbeauty if she has such excellent qualities as knowledge.Ability,a kind heart,greatcourage and concern for others.
  In addition,old and young,beautifuland uglyare relative concepts.People who keep ayoungmind will never feel old.Curious about new things andeager to learn more,they keepup with the fide.Plainly dressed women may have a type of beauty,which is pure and real.Reading and learningis the best way to keep one youthful.Good books arefertile soilwhich carl feed the floret of one’s heart and looks.
Why does the author say that beauty and womenare twins?

A.Women try to maintaintheir beauty by dressing up.
B.Women like to show offtheir beauty.
C.Women are born to bebeauties
D.Women are proud of theirbeauty.

41. According to the author,inorder to stay young and attractive,women should

A.foUow the fashion
B.dress up in beautifulclothes
C.do more exercises
D.enrich their mind

42. Which of the following is NOT true according tothe passage?

A.However old she is,a women with some excellent qualities can still maintain her beauty.
B.As a women grows old,her beauty will gradually disappear.
C.Even a plainly dressedwoman may have pure and real beauty.
D.A women with a young mindnever feels old.

43. The author believes that_______.

A.women have to show theirbeauty through their looks
B.beautiful clothes can makewomen more attractive
C.women should lay moreemphasis on their owrl qualities
D.women are more curiousabout new things than men

  Oceanography has been defined as “Theapplication of all sciences to the study of the sea”.
  Beforethe nineteenth century,scientists with an interest in the sea were few and far between.Certainly Newton considered some theoretical aspects of it in hiswritings,but he was reluctant(不愿意)to go to sea to further his work.
  For most people the sea was remote,and with the exception ofearly intercontinentaltravellers or others who earned a living from the sea,there was little reason to ask many ques—tions about it.1et alone to ask what lay beneath the surface.The first time that the question What is at the bottom of theoceans? had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the layingof a telegraph cable from Europe to America wag proposed. The engineershad toknow the depth profile(起伏形狀)of the route to estimatethe length of cable that hadto be manufactured.
  It was to Maury of the U.S.Navythat the Atlantic Telegraph Company turned,in 1853forinfonnation on this matter.In the 1840s,Maury had been responsible for encouraging voyagesduring whichsoundings were taken to investigate the depths of the North Atlantic andPacificoceans.Later.some of hisfindings aroused much popular interest in his book The Physical Ge—ography ofthe Sea.
  The cable was laid.but not until 1866 wasthe connection made permanent and reliable .At tlle eady attempts,the cable failed and whenit was taken out for repaim it was found to be covered in living growths,a fact which defied contemporary scientific opinion that there wasnolife in the deeper parts of the sea.
  Within a few years oceanography was under way.In 1872 Thomson led ascientific expedition(考察),whichlasted for four years and brought home thousands of samples from the sea.Theirclassification and analysis occupied scientists for years and led to afive’volume report,the last volume being published in1895.
It Was_________that asked Maury for helpin oceanographic studies.

A.those who earned a livingfrom the sea
B.some earlyintercontinental traveners
C.the American Navy
D.the company which proposedto lay an undersea cable

45. The passage implies that the telegraphcable was built mainly________.

A.for investigating thedepths of the oceans
B.for military purposes
C.for businessconsiderations
D.for oceanographic studies

46. The aim of voyages Maury encouraged inthe l940s Was________.

A.to estimate the lensth ofcable that Was to be made
B.to make some soundexperiments in the oceans
C.to measure the depths oftwo oceans
D.to collect samples of seaplants animals

47. “Defied”in the 5th paragraph probablymeans________.

B.gave proof to
D.agreed to

  Bond had walked for only a few minutes when it suddenly occurred to him that he Wasbeing followed.There was no evidence for it except a slight tingling(隱隱作痛)of the scalp(頭皮)and an extra awareness ofthe people near him,but he had faith in his sixth senseand he atonce stopped in front of the shop window he Was passing and looked casually back along 46thstreet.Nothing but a lot ofmiscellaneous people moving slowly on the sidewalks, mostly on the same side ashimself ,the side that was sheltered from the sun.ThereWas no sudden movementinto a doorway,.nobody casuallywiping his face with a handkerchief to avoid recognition,nobody bending down to tie a shoelace.
  Bondexamined the Swiss watches in his shop window and then turned and sauntered on.After a few yards he stopped again.Still nothing.He went onand turned right into the Avenueof the Americans.stoppingin the first doorway,the entrance to a women’sunderwear store where a mall in a tan suit with his back to him was examiningthe black lace‘pants on a particu—laxly realistic dummy(模型).Bond turned and leant against a pillar andgazed lazily but watch-fully out into the street.
  And then something gripped his pistol arlnand a voice snarled:“All fight,Limey.Takeiteasy unless you want lead for lunch”,and he feltsomething press into his back just above thekidney.
What wa$there familiar about that voice?Thelaw?The gun?Bond glanced down to seewhat Was holding his right ann.It Was a steel hook.Well.if the man had only onearm!Likelightening he turned around,bending sidewaysand bringing his left fist round in a flailingblow,lowdown.
  There was a smack as his fist was caught inthe other mailS left hand.a(chǎn)nd at the 881Tle time asthe contact telegraphed to Bonds mind thatthere could have been no gun,there came thewell-re-membered laugh and the lazy voice saying:“Nogood.James.The angles have gotyou.”
  Bond straightened himself slowly and for amoment he could only gaze into the grinning hawk.life face of FelixLeiterwith blank disbelief,his builtup tension slowlyrelaxing.
  “So you were doing a fmnt tail,you lousy bastard,”he finally said.
Bond realized that he Was being followedby means of________.

A.his common sense
B.his sense of humour
C.his sight
D.his sixth sense

49. When Bond stopped and looked back along 46thstreet,he observed all the following except________.

A.most people on thesidewalk were on the same side as himself
B.no onesuddenly turned into a doorway
C.a man was looking into thewindows of a store
D.no one wiped his face with ahandkerchief

50. Why did Bond stop in the doorway to theunderwear shop?

A.To see who Was followinghim.
B.To look at the man in thefun suit.
C.To avoid the sunshine.
D.To look at the underwear.

51. What did the man mean by saying“Take it easyunless you want lead for lunch”?

A.Put up your hands.
B.Don’t move or Ill shootyou.
C.If you want to have lunch,you must listen to me.
D.You go first slowly andwell have lunch together.

  Looking back on my childhood,I am convinced thatnaturalists are born and not made.Al-though we werebwught up in the same way,my bwthers and sisters soonabandoned theirpressed flowers and insects.Unlike them,I had no ear for music and languages.I wasnot anearly reader and I could not do mental arithmetic.
  Before World War I we spent our summerholidays in Hungary.I have only the dim memry 0f tlle house we lived in,of my room and my toys.Nor do I recallclearly the large family ofgrandparents,aunts,uncles and cousins who gathered next door.ButI do have a crystalclearmemory of the dogs,the farmanimals,the local birds,andabove all,the insects.
  I am a naturalist,not a scientist.I have a strong love of the natural world and my enthusiasmhad ledme into varied investigations.I love discussing myfavorite topics and enjoy burning themidnight oil while reading about otherpeople’s observations and discoveries.Then somethinghap-pens that brings these observations together in my conscious mind.Suddenly you fancy you flee theanswer to the riddie,because it all seems to fit together.Thishas resulted in my publishing 300 -pets,and books,which some might honour with the title of scientific research.
  But curiosity,a keen eye,a goodmemory and enjoyment of the animal and plant world donot make a scientist:one the outstanding and essential qualities required isself-discipline,aquality I lack.A scientist requires not only self-discipline but hard training,determination anda goal.A scientist,up to a point,can be made.A naturalist is born.If you can combinethetwo,you get the best of both wodds.
The author can’t remember his relativesclearly because_________.

A.he was too young when helived with them
B.he was fully occupied withobserving nature.
C.he didn’t live very longwith them
D.the family was extremelylarge

53. The first paragraph tells us theauthor________.

A.was born to a naturalistsfamily
B.didn’t like his brothersand sisters
C.lost his hearing when hewas a child
D.was interested in flowersand insects in his childhood

54. It can he inferred from the passage thatthe author was________.

A.no more than a bornnaturalist   
B.a naturalist but not ascientist
C.a scientist as well as anaturalist
D.first of all a scientist

55. The author says that he is a naturalist ratherthan a scientist probably because he thinks he________.

A.comes up with solutions ina most natural way
B.lacks some of thequalities required of a scientist
C.just reads about otherpeople’s observations and discoveries
D.has a great deal oftrouble doing mental arithmetic

五、Daily Conversation(15 points)

S:  ___56___
P:I want to buy a notebook.
S:The notebooks are overtllere.___57___
P:The blue onelooks nice. ___58___
S:Two yuan.
P:That’s all right.___59___
S:  ___60___
P:Thank you.
56.__________A.I will take it.    
B.How much is it?
C.What can I do for you?
D.Which one do you like?
E.Let me help you.    
F.How many ones do you want?
G.Here you are.    
H:Thank you so much!

58.57.__________A.I will take it.    
B.How much is it?
C.What can I do for you?
D.Which one do you like?
E.Let me help you.    
F.How many ones do you want?
G.Here you are.    
H:Thank you so much!

A.I will take it.    
B.How much is it?
C.What can I do for you?
D.Which one do you like?
E.Let me help you.    
F.How many ones do you want?
G.Here you are.    
H:Thank you so much!

60.59.__________A.I will take it.    
B.How much is it?
C.What can I do for you?
D.Which one do you like?
E.Let me help you.    
F.How many ones do you want?
G.Here you are.    
H:Thank you so much!

61.60.__________A.I will take it.    
B.How much is it?
C.What can I do for you?
D.Which one do you like?
E.Let me help you.    
F.How many ones do you want?
G.Here you are.    
H:Thank you so much!

六、Writing(25 points)

56.For thispart,you areallowed 20 minutes to write a short composition of about100—120 words on thetitle:My Most Favourite Programme.Base your composition onthe outline given below in Chinese:







