“生、旦、凈、丑”是京劇中的角色分類。“生”是男性正面角色,“旦”是女性正面角色,“凈”是性格鮮明的男性配角(supporting role),“丑”是幽默滑稽的人物或反面角色。每種角色都有表明身份的臉譜(facial make-up)和扮相(costume),只要演員一上場,你一看便知。在人的臉上涂上某種顏色以象征這個(gè)人的性格和品質(zhì)、角色和命運(yùn),是京劇的一大特點(diǎn),也是理解劇情的關(guān)鍵。簡單地講,紅臉含有褒義,代表忠勇(valor);黑臉為中性,代表猛(vigor)智;黃臉和白臉含貶義,代表兇詐。
Sheng, dan, jing, chou are different types of roles in Peking Opera. Sheng is the positive male role, dan the positive female role, jing a supporting male role with a distinctive character, and chou the clown or a negative character. Each type of role wears its own facial make-up and costume that suggest the identity as soon as/the minute/the moment/the instant he/she appears on the stage. One striking characteristic of Peking Opera is the color painted on the face of a character that shows his/her role, destiny, quality, and personality. This is the key to understanding the plot. To put it simply, red is positive, symbolzing loyalty and valor; black, neutral, representing vigor and wisdom; yellow and white, negative, suggesting cruelty and deceptiveness.